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I will be strapping on my snow boots and slogging up the Hill later this week to see star legislators Senator Kirsten Gillibrand and Representative Rosa DeLauro introduce a bill that would provide most workers with 12 weeks of partially paid leave for a birth, adoption, or to deal with their own or...
Valerie Young's picture
Hear the inside scoop on gun violence in America, listen to as U.S. House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi shares what’s really happening in Congress, explore the brilliant campaign that led to Marissa Alexander being released from prison, and catch up with Krist Novoselic, bassist and co-founder of...
Kristin's picture
Guess what? It’s "go time" for paid family leave! Two weeks ago I wrote to tell you that Congress was soon introducing a paid family leave bill, including maternity/paternity leave, called the Family and Medical Insurance Leave Act (FAMILY Act). You can read more about this below. Now, the time has...
Ruth Martin's picture
Cross-posted from WeNews In a one-week period last month two major developments--both tied to Women's eNews' coverage--could signal a rousing from complacency. One was a New York hearing; the other was $6 million in funding by pharmaceutical giant Merck. Credit: Timothy Wood/Code Arachnid on Flickr...
Rita Henley Jensen's picture
There are no two ways to slice this: the genetically-engineered apple that the USDA is about to approve is not good news. Here is why: 1/ Despite what the powers that be are claiming, there is NO conclusive scientific evidence that GMO (genetically modified organisms) are safe for our health, our...
Laetitia Mailhes's picture
Three weeks ago, my children wrote letters to Congress asking them to keep families together as part of a campaign highlighting the consequences of our outdated immigration policies. Currently, 5.5 million U.S.-born children in mixed status homes run the risk of being separated from one or both...
Elisa Batista's picture
Et tu, microwave popcorn? By now, most of us know that trans fat is bad news. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) really helped out moms and consumers like us in 2006, when it began requiring companies to list the amount of trans fat on product labels. [1] We're not in the clear yet, as...
Karen Showalter's picture
Earlier this week our partners in Asia released an in-depth, global study on children and pesticides. As a mom, I'm both deeply thankful for this report and profoundly frustrated that it needs to be written at all. Dr. Meriel Watts reviewed hundreds of scientific studies from around the world, and...
Kristin Schafer's picture
My New York Times Sunday Dialogue piece on pro-family policy changes that could improve caregivers' economic security elicited a number of responses. One led me to a post by Valerie Adrian, a mother of 3 currently pursuing her Ph,D. in Sociology on the opposite side of the country, but engaged in...
Valerie Young's picture
As we move into this season of connecting with family and old friends, I’m guessing most of us know someone who is struggling in the sluggish job market – a nephew who hasn’t been able to get a foothold in the career of his choice, a teacher who was laid off, an older neighbor who has had his hours...
Katherine McFate's picture
