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It’s back to school time once again. Many schools have started classes or will start soon. This year kids will be returning to healthier meals at school. And this is good news for students, teachers, and parents. For the first time in over 15 years, kids will be offered healthier meals in schools...
Meghan McHugh's picture
As moms and dads across the country prepare to send their little ones back to school this fall, they can be comforted knowing that the meals their children will be served will be healthier than ever. But many parents might be shocked to learn that their kids might still be able to get their hands...
Elizabeth Brotherton's picture
My new documentary film, Soul Food Junkies made its New York City premiere last week at the highly esteemed cultural and performing arts institution, Lincoln Center. The film debut was a standing room only, completely sold out event . It was memorable and amazing! The level of interest and...
Byron Hurt's picture
"In order to receive, then we need to give We gotta feed the kids, they gotta eat to live... My rhymes got nutritional value I get it how I live, it's critical when the conditions allow you." ( Editor's note: For complete music video, scroll to the bottom of this story. I grew up...
Talib Kweli Greene's picture
For English, click here . A la edad de 7 años, cuando me mudé a los Estados Unidos desde México, yo sólo sabía dos palabras de inglés: “The End”. Gracias a los dibujos animados de Tom y Jerry , me di cuenta que cuando Jerry ganaba la batalla contra Tom y esas dos palabras aparecían en la pantalla...
Para español, haga clic aquí . At the age of 7, when I moved to the United States from Mexico, I only knew two words in English: “The End.” Thanks to Tom and Jerry cartoons, I learned that when Jerry prevailed and those two words fancifully appeared across the TV screen, it meant “fin”, the end of...
I'm proud to say that we've made major improvements to school meals that will show up in cafeterias this school year. Students can now expect more fruits, vegetables and whole grains; low-fat and fat-free milk choices; and foods with less sodium and trans fat. They can also expect “right-size”...
Kevin Concannon's picture
Breastfeeding. By now, we all know that New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg supports it due to his recent policy to make breastfeeding a priority in New York City hospitals. We also know that with his support, he ignited a firestorm of controversy that made headlines across the nation. What could...
Kristin's picture
Imagine yourself the son or daughter of a grievously ill octogenarian. Your mom or dad suffered a catastrophic event and has been in an ICU, barely conscious, for two weeks. You understand organs are shutting down, but you struggle to understand the medical jargon or the purpose of tubes and...
Barbara Coombs Lee's picture
September has arrived. I’ve been so caught up with back-to-school preparations for my children that I haven’t had a chance to think about much more beyond the chaos in my house: setting new routines, figuring out car pools and bike routes, and helping with homework. It’s a hectic time. But those...
Margie Kelly's picture
