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Why does the reality of everyday, routine care for birthing women diverge so radically from best-evidence practice?
Cross-posted at MotherTalkers. Just to show you it isn't only the unemployed who lack health insurance, one in five U.S. workers are uninsured , according to a study covered by the Associated Press.
Elisa Batista's picture
Gloria Steinem reaches the commanding age of 75 this month. The following extracts from a speech she made in May 2007, show the conceptual link between feminism and the mothers' movement. Click here to continue reading this post from Your (Wo)man in Washington®. Happy Birthday, Gloria. The work continues.
Valerie Young's picture
It’s no surprise to the vast majority of us who have both a job and family responsibilities that something’s not working at work. The American workplace is perfectly suited for the American workforce…of the 1950s. Even today, when 46% of the U.S. workforce is made up of women and 81% of women have children by age 44, most good jobs in the U.S.
Joan C. Williams's picture
Why does the reality of everyday, routine care for birthing women diverge so radically from best-evidence practice? It’s probably the money. The routine use of continuous fetal monitoring is a fine example, because continuous monitoring for every woman all the time is not best-evidence care, but...
Some powerful members of Congress are threatening to torpedo President Obama's efforts to fix our healthcare system by saying that we can't afford healthcare reform right now. It reminds me of the time I decided to save on plumbing bills by ignoring the leak in my ceiling.
Donna's picture
Our trusted public figures are busy telling us about the state of the economy, how soon it will be better, and how to deal with it. We’ve got television experts on the case daily to help all of us working women be financially savvy during these stressful times. The question is: can these experts relate to the economic situation of the masses? Let’s see what they make…
Yesterday the Washington Post inappropriately fed the insecurities of American workers with the headline, "As Cuts Loom, Will Working From Home Lead to a Layoff?" My response "Only if we are committed to a work model inspired by the 1950s and ‘working stupid’ by rigidly adhering to old work models that are less effective." I’ve been working in a virtual work environment for over 10 years.
joan's picture
Pediatricians see the problem every day in their offices: so many apparently well babies, so inconsolably fretful; not sleeping well; not feeding well, or feeding too much. So many toddlers whose behavior is out of control: obstinate, hyperactive; real temper tantrum factories. Could it be ADHD? Or bipolar disorder? At such a young age?
Yesterday the Washington Post inappropriately fed the insecurities of American workers with the headline, "As Cuts Loom, Will Working From Home Lead to a Layoff?" My response "Only if we are committed to a work model inspired by the 1950s and ‘working stupid’ by rigidly adhering to old work models...
joan's picture
