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More and more these days, young parents approach the responsibility of parenting as a joint venture. Often one parent will reduce her schedule to take care of the children while the other maximizes income for the economic welfare of the family.
Right now, Fox News is trying to paint Barack Obama as foreign, un-American, suspicious, and scary. They're trying to send Americans the message that our country's first viable Black candidate for President is not "one of us." We've seen this before from Fox. They won't stop until it becomes too painful to continue--until the public calls them out and advertisers start getting worried.
Are you thinking about re-entering the workforce after time at home? These tips, tools, and resources will help: - How to Prepare to Return to Work, by Maggie Jackson. Describes difficulties following the decision to return to work; describes resources and programs for opting back into the...
Nanette Fondas's picture
Soccer moms, security moms ….. How will the mothers’ vote be labeled this year? Broke and burned out moms?
Nanette Fondas's picture
Every day across the country, parents and consumers rely on products containing hundreds of chemicals. They assume the government has done its job and that these products are safe for their intended use.
Congresswoman Hilda Solis's picture
When it was time to travel to China to bring home our little PunditBaby , I was working at a large government agency in a pretty senior position.
PunditMom's picture
Dear CA member, Paperwork a new hazard to California's children? Unfortunately, it could be. In an effort to cut the budget, legislators are considering a truly twisted tactic right now: Cutting eligible kids off healthcare coverage by increasing red tape. The result -- more than 471,000 children could lose their health insurance.[1]
Donna's picture
DECISIONS ABOUT CHILDREN’S HEALTH BEING MADE NOW: The most critical California state budget item for children’s health may be decided as early as this Thursday.
Today, the U.S. House of Representatives got us one step closer to paid family leave for every working family in the country.
