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Side dishes don't often get the the attention they deserve during the holidays. Personally, I love side dishes and often eat them as stand alone dishes (I'm weird like that!). What I love most is how easy they are to create and serve. And because they're pretty easy to make, you can easily pass...
Migdalia Rivera's picture
QUICK ACTION NEEDED: Speaker Ryan is conducting a phone poll on the Affordable Care Act (a.k.a. Obamacare or ACA)! Families across the U.S. who do not have access to employer sponsored coverage have benefited greatly from the Affordable Car Act. Here's what to do: 1) Call (202) 225-0600 (Some...
Felicia Burnett's picture
Looking for variety this holiday season? With sides, it's easier to experiment and introduce your family, and children, to new flavors. Presenting them during the festivities, will also encourage them to try something they ordinarily wouldn't eat because they see others eating them as well. That's...
Migdalia Rivera's picture
On the radio show this week, we take stock of what actually happened in the Presidential election and where we need to go from here. From who voted how and why, to Russians rigging our election and an explosion of fake news sites and bot tweets, to why we need to stand against Trump’s appointees...
Kristin's picture
Military families and civilian families have more in common than you might think. Finding those commonalities are super important to strengthening both of our communities.
Rebecca Alwine's picture
Without a doubt, our nation is divided, and it should no less, encourage us to love, unite, and make small efforts of kindness, a daily act upon which we show the next generation resilience. As a school district employee, I strive to foster the conditions for this kindness, in order to nourish the...
Clarissa T's picture
Although it was often tempting, I did not “unfriend” anyone during this US presidential election. Despite my deep disagreement with President-elect Trump and his campaign, I have many friends and neighbors that supported him and voted for him, and I understand why. Many are concerned about Supreme...
Phoebe Farag Mikhail's picture
Even though doctors say that breastfeeding is best, not everyone can breastfeed for a variety of important reasons. The option of giving a baby formula should be safe, but often times the claims that formula companies make can be confusing or even downright misleading. With DHA or without? Will one...
Tina Sherman's picture
Donald Trump has named a person, U.S. Senator Jeff Sessions, who has a history of racist, misogynistic and bigoted behavior, to be the U.S. Attorney General, which is the chief law enforcement officer of the nation. Over his career, Sessions has called a white civil rights attorney a ‘disgrace to...
Kristin's picture
How are you doing after this chaotic, exhausting, rollercoaster of an election? We’re hearing from many MomsRising members who are still reeling and looking for community and ways to be engaged. We’re hearing that they feel an urgency to meet and connect in person with others in order to take stock...
Kristin's picture
