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Maya, my client, is wading through some swampy waters with a nonprofit she’s invested a huge amount of time, energy and money in. Active on the board for more than 12 years, she can clearly see all the challenges that the group is facing and it’s easy to come up with a list of all the things that...
Renee Trudeau's picture
Take Action!
Donald Trump became President-Elect because he prevailed in the Electoral College, but Hillary Clinton won the popular vote by more than 2.6 million votes . In other words, the American People did not give Donald Trumpa mandate to enact an extremist agenda aimed at destroying some of our most...
Kristin's picture
“Mommy, you do…de-de-democracy.” That was my daughter’s recent assessment of my career. As a three-year old-her grasp of the term ‘democracy’ may be slightly tenuous, but her comment left me both amused and reflective. Does our work trying to improve the quality of jobs in the U.S. count as...
Liz Ben-Ishai's picture
Our kids attended Vicenza Elementary School in Italy for two years. As we prepared to move back to the United States , I was nervous about the transition to new schools. Will the kids be behind academically? Will they make friends? Will the curriculum be very different? Will they adjust? As it...
National Military Family Association's picture
Today, December 12th, is the anniversary of the introduction of the FAMILY Act (a paid family leave insurance program). This is an important anniversary to mark because right now only 13% of U.S. workers--and only 5% of low-wage workers--have access to paid leave. We need better workplace policies...
Tina Sherman's picture
Today, MomsRising, Girls for Gender Equity, w omen, trans and gender non-conforming New Yorkers anchored a presser at City Hall to call on Council to pass the Right To Know Act. I n communities across the city, women and trans* and gender non-conforming New Yorkers face gender-specific humiliation...
Diarra Diouf's picture
In April 2015, we witnessed one of the worst videos of police murder ever captured on a cell phone. An unarmed Walter Scott was shot 8 times in the back while running away from South Carolina Police Officer Michael Slager. To further add to this harrowing situation, Office Slager is seen planting...
Nadia's picture
Tell us why quality, affordable, health coverage matters to you! We must protect all of the gains we’ve made in health coverage. Everyone agrees that there is still work to be done to expand affordability and accessibility in our healthcare...
Felicia Burnett's picture
This is usually a season of familiar scenes in schools across the country, with holiday programs featuring messages of peace and goodwill to all. But this year many teachers and students have been seeing another story.
Marian Wright Edelman's picture
How Grassroots Organizing and Popular Protest Defeated NC’s Bathroom Governor As a lifelong North Carolinian, I really appreciated this data-based analysis from Tom Jensen of Public Policy Polling on how the Governor lost his re-election effort (the first to do so in NC history). First, polls show...
ruby's picture
