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This is what the expansion of an epidemic looks like. The Zika virus has now been detected in 67 countries , including most of the Americas. In the 50 states of the U.S., more than 2,500 cases of Zika have been reported, affecting every state except for Alaska and Wyoming . Almost all of these...
David Elliot's picture
Have you had lunch at your child’s school and sat there wondering why kids are still allowed to purchase Doritos and Cheetos, even after the USDA heralded in the Smart Snacks in School guidelines a few years back? Well it turns out that food companies reformulated many of their branded snack foods...
Sally Mancini's picture
Breastfeeding, like marriage and childbirth, is not for the faint of heart. After suffering a miscarriage, we were blessed in the fact that we were able to conceive relatively quickly once my husband and I began trying again. I was so thankful that God gave us a second chance to bring a life into...
Chandra Waters's picture
This weekend I was on the massage table when out of the blue my therapist asked, “What do you do to heal when someone close to you dies?” I thought for a moment–having experienced a lot of loss in my family–and answered, “I do yoga.” I have found conscious movement and breathing–experienced through...
Renee Trudeau's picture
Breastfeeding was something that I knew I wanted to do since I was a little girl. I remember Mami nursing my baby sister (we're 19 months apart). Her cocoa skin was radiant and beautiful. Her afro was EVERAAAAAYTHAAANG! Mere mortals couldn't dare compare to her. Thank you for being my inspiration...
Keka Araujo's picture
We are at a pivotal moment to change the lives of kids in communities across our state. North Carolina is one of only two states in the country that still charges 16- and 17-year-olds as adults in our criminal justice system, without exception. We can change this outdated policy, but we need your...
BethM's picture
Recently, I attended a public hearing presided by the NC Commission on the Administration of Law & Justice (NCCALJ). One of the top issues on their agenda was Juvenile Reinvestment. NC is one of only two states (NY being the other) that automatically charges 16- and 17-year olds as adults...
Monya James's picture
I remember the day I realized I couldn’t afford the day care center I wanted. They had baby yoga and a curriculum I coveted. But the annual cost would have crippled our family. “The annual cost is more than your take home pay,” my husband said looking at the center’s application. The more...
Katie Bugbee's picture
“Right here?” I stuttered. “Yeah. Why not?” To my left, my father-in-law was enjoying a plate of scrambled eggs. To my right, my husband was cutting up a waffle for my daughter. I looked down at my 4-day old baby boy. I smoothed my thumb over his tiny fisted hand and took a deep breath. In front of...
Brittany Minor's picture
From the Fight for $15 to breaking down barriers to breastfeeding for moms in the military, from ending wage discrimination to getting access to affordable childcare and paid family leave, people across the country are standing up, making their voices heard, and building a better nation for...
Kristin's picture
