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On the show this week we discuss why it’s critical to our economy and to our communities to value caregiving, paid and unpaid, in our nation; cover the importance of everyone being able to vote; talk about the just released Black Lives Matter platform; and hear from two high school students about...
Kristin's picture
A month and four days have passed and I’m still on edge. On July 4th my family and I traveled to Carowinds, a very popular amusement park that borders the line between North and South Carolina. As a Black American I have never believed in actively celebrating a holiday based on freedoms not...
Epyana Smith's picture
Growing up my parents answered every question, except the ones about Santa Claus and when our next trip to Toy’s R US would be, with the truth. So, when I asked them about racial inequality in second grade while doing my “Ancestry Project” for my predominately White school (P.W.I.), again my...
Epyana Smith's picture
Nursing can be hard without support, and nursing a baby with food allergies can sometimes feel dang near impossible, especially with all of the misinformation both floating around the internet and sometimes even from healthcare providers. Here is how I did it with two babies!
Kit Jenkins's picture
Christina P. is from Washington State. This is her story... When Christina’s son was born in the summer of 2013, she was working full-time at a national pizza delivery company. Like most service industry employers, her company did not offer health insurance, sick pay, or maternity leave. Christina...
Sili Recio's picture
Bryan Stevenson, the brilliant founder and Executive Director of the Equal Justice Initiative, believes it’s possible to change our nation and world despite the inequality and violence that sometimes threaten to overwhelm us. He’s thought long and hard about the steps needed and believes a key to changing America’s future is changing the narrative we tell ourselves about our shared past. This is especially true about our legacy of Native American genocide, slavery and Jim Crow, and the injustices throughout our history that linger and simmer under the surface then boil over again and again. He speaks often about the urgent need to confront our historic narrative including recently to young servant leaders preparing to teach children in Children’s Defense Fund Freedom Schools® programs across America.
Marian Wright Edelman's picture
Author's Note: Although this chat ended you can click to read the August 5, 2016 #FoodFri STORIFY - a curated list of said chat's tweets compiled into a story format, to learn more about the topic, review chat resources and engage with chat panelist(s) and participants . The national childhood...
Migdalia Rivera's picture
With a new school year upon us, it seems a good time to give you an update on our effort to ensure Florida's public elementary school students receive the 20 minutes of daily recess they so desperately need and deserve. While our recess bill made it through the House last session, Sen. John Legg,...
Angela Browning's picture
Aside from the initial “figuring out how to survive life with a newborn” phase, one of the most stressful experiences for me was trying to figure out how I was going to successfully continue breastfeeding after I returned to work, and how I would fit in pumping as part of my daily routine. I knew I...
Donna Hoffman Cullinan's picture
I knew when I found out I was pregnant with my first that I wanted to attempt to breastfeed. I set a meager goal of six short weeks. We battled through those first few weeks learning from each other, dealing with a dairy intolerance, engorgement and more. But before I knew it, we were passing the...
Larisha Campbell's picture
