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With summer in full swing, parents and children are enjoying more time outside, at the park, beach, BBQs and while traveling. This is great fun but can easily derail a family's healthy accomplishments. To stay mindful of the food you and your family are consuming, because junk food is ok once in a...
Migdalia Rivera's picture
MomsRising will be in Washington, D.C. on August 13th to rally for commonsense gun laws and LGBTQ equality. We hope you will join us at the Disarm Hate Rally!!
Elyssa Schmier's picture
Today I mourn. Yesterday I mourned. I mourned for the history that has brought us to these days. I mourned for slavery, for lynching, for Rodney King to Philando Castile and everyone in between. I mourn for the officers killed in Dallas last night. I mourn for the African-American man who's heart...
Jaime Farkas's picture
I'm rallying to disarm hate on August 13th in Washington, D.C. and here are the reasons I want you to join me!
Jason Hayes's picture
“Hillary Clinton should be put in the firing line and shot for treason.” “She is a piece of garbage.” This is how New Hampshire state Representative Al Baldasaro described Hillary Clinton in a radio interview from the Republican National Convention in Cleveland today. Unacceptable. His comments are...
Ashley Boyd's picture
“Hillary Clinton should be put in the firing line and shot for treason.” “She is a piece of garbage.” This is how New Hampshire state Representative Al Baldasaro described Hillary Clinton in a radio interview from the Republican National Convention in Cleveland today. Unacceptable. His comments are...
Ashley Boyd's picture
If you’re a mom with young kids, what may be on your mind on Election Day isn’t “who is better on economic policy?” but “how am I going to juggle child care so that I can find the time to vote?” But you need to hold that thought even after you’ve resolved the day’s child care challenges and headed...
Patricia Cole's picture
My sleep has been very erratic this month. While I’m practicing self-compassion (I’m navigating a lot of hormonal shifts like many my age), I believe the primary cause of my sleepless nights is due to an overly-busy mind. This wake-up call has brought me back to the importance of the self-care...
Renee Trudeau's picture
Healthy… Nutritious… Low Fat… High Fiber… Moderation… Exercise… Carbs… Protein… These days, you can’t walk down the street or flip through your favorite magazine without being bombarded by directives about what to eat and how to eat it. Messages on how to live a healthy lifestyle are all around us...
Sarah Widor's picture
We can't afford any further delays on DC paid leave legislation. Tell the DC Council to prioritize the Universal Paid Leave Act when they reconvene in September!
Sara Alcid's picture
