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On this #RADIO show we feature one of the top pollsters in the nation sharing what’s really going on right now in our nation, then we hear from a noted CNN commentator and author about her take on the battle between Bernie and Hillary. The show then moves to hear about the #AskTheMayor campaign...
Kristin's picture
Learn how the Carrying On Project is helping military moms grow closer to their babies and still get stuff done!
Kit Jenkins's picture
Everyone knows babies go through a lot of diapers. But for low-income families, the cost of diapers often forces them to go without another necessity, like food or heat. For many, it can force them to leave babies in soiled diapers longer than they’d like, leading to physical and mental health issues for baby and mom. Despite the fact that families in the bottom fifth of the income ladder with infants spend 14 percent of their income for diapers alone, there is currently no federal assistance for purchasing diapers.
Lecia Imbery's picture
Seeing yourself in the media is powerful, especially for young children. Complex and realistic representations can shape young identities for the better, while stereotypical and racist representations (or none at all) can leave lasting and harmful impressions for a lifetime. So, what do...
Jose Antonio Vargas's picture
10 years ago my life changed forever. In a frenzy of pain and excitement my son arrived at 3:30AM and what was two became a trio. At the time, I was working full-time in an intense job that I loved – that also provided paid family leave – and this made all the difference. When I think back on this...
Christina DAllesandro's picture
Pediatricians aren’t usually day-to-day policy makers but policy decisions affect the work they do every day as frontline caregivers for our nation’s children.
Marian Wright Edelman's picture
Yesterday the White House and Department of Labor announced a HUGE VICTORY for workers and it is all because of you!!! [1] The rules for overtime pay were changed so now 12.5 million more workers, including 6.4 million women, many of whom are moms, will be able to get paid for all the hours they...
Elyssa Schmier's picture
Springtime means more than post-winter thaw and the colorful display of fresh blossoms. It also marks the season of Mother’s Day and Father’s Day, the two days a year we devote to saying thanks to our parents for all they’ve done for us. And those days are more than well-deserved because, let’s...
Eva Bloomfield's picture
There has been a great focus on millennials in the workforce: how they will change jobs more frequently and how their work ethic is different than previous generations. But there is a gap in the workforce that parents and politicians need to focus on – young persons with learning disabilities. The...
Carolyn Jeppsen's picture
It is not often that you hear about the darkness that can accompany becoming a mom. Nine years ago I learned that the motherhood experience can contain more than nursery colors, cocoa butter for fading stretch marks, and breastfeeding. My son was six months old and not sleeping through the night...
Jasmine Banks's picture
