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WIC is an incredibly successful nutrition and health assistance program for millions of pregnant women, moms, infants, and children. Here are just a few stories from the millions of families across the country that are boosted by WIC.
Elyssa Schmier's picture
It’s the dog days of summer and the kids are getting restless. MomsRising to the rescue! We have an easy and powerful end of summer activity for the kids. It’s simple: just ask your kids, grandkids, and pint sized charges to color encouraging messages that support affordable, high quality early...
Lauren Hipp's picture
Calling all Sacramento MomsRising Members! Bring the kiddos and come connect with MomsRising as we munch on bagels and coffee and chat about early learning and healthy foods in California and beyond. Later this month we will be reminding our Washington, DC leaders that quality and affordable early...
Donna Hoffman Cullinan's picture
With the 2015-2016 school year commencing, we're excited to Discover What's New With Healthy Schools And How Parents Can Help! Sept 4 2015 FoodFri Back to School(2).jpg Join #FoodFri on September 4, 2015, at 1pm, Eastern, to kick-off the MomsRising Good Food Force Back to School Challenge. We'll be...
Migdalia Rivera's picture
Originally posted by Trina on O'Boy Organic . I went back to work. Well, I guess I never really stopped “working” but I worked from home so if I drove the kids to school in my PJ’s it was OK. Now I don’t have that luxury. Now I will not even see my kids off to school. My husband is taking over that...
As kids return to school this September, discussions of school lunch nutrition leave me thinking that the best option, really, to ensure children receive healthy lunches is by packing them at home. A sandwich, some fruits and veggies, a healthy treat: that’s what I got in my lunch box way back when...
Anya Vanecek's picture
It’s here! Students have officially gone back to school. The initial back to school glee felt by Moms and students alike may have already started ebbing and been replaced by incredible juggling acts. Homework, studying and hectic schedules are just some of the balls being held up in the air during...
Migdalia Rivera's picture
I’m sad to say this year I don’t have a child in Kindergarten but I consider myself an expert since I have taught the grade for several years and I know the expectations of the children, parents, and teachers. It’s such a sweet grade because many children haven’t been to school prior to this...
Eileen Campos's picture
I’ll admit I’m a little weepy about the start of a new school year. My young kids are growing like weeds, and I’m not sure what happened to the month of August. But even if you’re on the teary-eyed end of the Back to School spectrum (like me), there are some big reasons to celebrate! Schools are...
Karen Showalter's picture
By Gina Glantz, Founder of W hen is “celebrating” women not all that good for women? Let’s face it. Something tagged exclusively for or about women is all too often a revenue generating strategy alongside a way to deflect criticism about the lack of attention to women and an...
GenderAvenger's picture
