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What do a goddess, a super civic entrepreneur, a digital ninja, and an Olympian have in common? They were all on the #RADIO show this week! (And I'm counting my blessings that I got a chance to talk with them all!) *Special guests on the radio show this week include: Kimberly DrGoddess Ellis​; Eric...
Kristin's picture
Don’t be Misled by Insurance Company Fine Print or Customer service phone reps! A recent study by Northwest Health Law Advocates and NARAL Pro Choice Washington indicates some insurance companies are still hassling women about our birth control options and throwing obstacles in our way. Learn how...
Roberta Riley's picture
EXCITING NEWS! WKFB 770AM & 97.5FM just picked up the radio show! This means the show is now airing in Pittsburgh along with many other stations around the country -- and it's also available online on TuneIn's Progressive Voices Network, on iTunes, and on the We Act Radio network as well. WHOOT...
Kristin's picture
Could 2015 be Congress’ Year of the Caregiver? At an AARP Forum on Family Caregiving in Washington, DC, on July 8, 2015, lawmakers recognized the hard work of caregiving. They spoke of bills that would provide funds to help millions across the nation in need of caregiving. The forum was attending...
Dora Calott Wang's picture
Just over half of public school children are in families with near-poverty income levels that make them eligible for free or reduced lunch. See where your state stands and what you can do to help kids get nutritious meals during summer, too.
Lecia Imbery's picture
On July 16th, the North Carolina Medicaid Expansion Coalition which is working toward extending health coverage to 500,000 low-income uninsured North Carolinians in our state is hosting a statewide day of action to encourage Governor McCrory to expand Medicaid under the Affordable Care Act...
Felicia Burnett's picture
One thing I’ve learned in the time I’ve been blogging about child sexual abuse prevention is that it brings out stories from people in a way nothing else has—not for me, anyway. Friends old and new have approached me to tell me stories from their pasts that break my heart. In one case, I was...
Allison Wedell Schumacher's picture
I can say, with an overwhelming amount of certainty that every observant Muslim working, living and socializing in spaces not exclusively Muslim centered has engaged in some variation of the “fasting isn’t that bad” talk. I had one a few days before the start of Ramadan. By the time the...
Kamilah Pickett's picture
Author: As a mother of three young children and a public health practitioner, I was drawn to the Yvonne Maffei’s blog: “ My Halal Kitchen ”. In amongst her recipes are insights on developing wholesome and healthy family eating traditions. She publishes sumptuous recipes, full of fruits and...
Khadija Gurnah's picture
As we enter the last days of Ramadan, many of us boost our spiritual practice to reap the immense rewards promised during these blessed days. We have gotten into a routine of waking up for suhur (pre-dawn meal), being vigilant in our daily ibadah (religious practice), breaking fast with our family...
Sumiya Khan's picture
