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Take Action!
If three-year-old Johnny loves to whack other children over their heads with his plastic sword and he wanted to bring that sword over to my house for a play date with my kid, then I’d say, “Leave your plastic sword at home.” That would be my right, since it’s my house, and it’s my kid’s noggin...
Gloria Pan's picture
Fifty years ago I traveled from Mississippi to Selma, Alabama on March 21st, 1965 to join Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and thousands of fellow citizens marching the 54 miles to the steps of the state’s capitol in Montgomery. Millions of Americans now know about this march thanks to the movie Selma and the recent 50th anniversary celebration.
Marian Wright Edelman's picture
Are you prepared to file your taxes on April 15th? Have questions about filing, where your tax dollars go, and if Warren Buffet's secretary really pays more in taxes than the billionaire? Then join us for the #TaxChat tweetchat on Tuesday, March 17th!
Elyssa Schmier's picture
Moms know it’s annoying to see our kids’ favorite characters plastered on boxes of junk food, placed oh-so-conveniently at eye level in the supermarket. And frustrating to see junk food companies sneaking onto everything from scoreboards to schools supplies. Makes me feel a little like this:...
Karen Showalter's picture
Take Action!
Last week, the Department of Justice (DOJ) decided not to bring Officer Darren Wilson to trial for racially profiling and killing Mike Brown, despite the findings of a separate investigation that Ferguson and St. Louis police routinely target, abuse, and unjustly persecute black and brown residents...
Monifa Bandele's picture
During the month of March, Congressman Charles B. Rangel is challenging individuals to join his Rangel Resolution to demonstrate the importance of committing to a healthy lifestyle. The Rangel Resolution is a 30 day challenge that encourages participants to adopt the following healthy habits: 1...
Migdalia Rivera's picture
McDonald’s announced a new policy to curb the overuse of antibiotics in raising the chickens that become their McNuggets and other chicken products. This is a big step towards saving antibiotics and protecting public health,
Anya Vanecek's picture
Moms Gather in Florida
I will always equate Amaya Papaya with birth and celebration. Yolonda, the creator and Chief Executive Mami of Amaya Papaya opened her doors in 2009. I'd known her as a counselor when I volunteered to lead her girls in a reading group. That same year, I found myself in a childbirth class that met...
Sili Recio's picture
Another year, another International Women's Day. But this year feels different. Suddenly gender equality in the United States is a front burner issue. In fact, women's economic empowerment is recognized as central to how we address both income inequality and economic sustainability. Gender issues...
Megan Beyer's picture
I've volunteered as a mentor for inner-city at-risk youth for 20 years and have always been passionate about issues concerning women and children. I first heard about MomsRising in 2006, when the organization started, and have been taking action online with the organization ever since. So, when I was contacted by MomsRising to see if I could attend a meeting at my Congressional Representative's office about the Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP), I was nervous but sure I wanted to go.
Sharon Rosner's picture
