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Moms and kids are taking to Capitol Hill TODAY to educate members of Congress about child care and early learning. Will you back us up by telling your Senators and Representative that we are coming their way?
Elyssa Schmier's picture
I love making DIY holiday gifts for friends and family. I can put a personal touch on items, make something meaningful, and learn a new craft too. It's a win-win. I get a lot of my crafting know-how from my mom, who set the bar high early by making things like puppet invitations for my first...
Karen Showalter's picture
Thanks to quality teaching and tireless dedication of early learning professionals over the past decades our country’s highest offices are now identifying that work as the pivotal piece to improving our communities. Studies show that for every dollar invested in high-quality early learning programs there is at least a $7 rate of return.
Mary E. Mannix's picture
For a lot of working people, this holiday season will be one of belt-tightening rather than shopping sprees. Let’s face it, our wages just aren’t keeping up the way they used to. Here’s a fact: Average income for the least rich 90% of us has been flat since the 1970s, although people are working...
Liz Shuler's picture
BERKELEY, Calif. – On Sunday, I achieved a milestone: I finished a 13.1-mile trail run largely uphill just north of San Francisco. When I was done, I could barely walk, but I was on a high: I did it! When I got back to my car, my heart seemed to skip a beat. I had a couple of missed phone calls and...
Elisa Batista's picture
This holiday season, MomsRising is thankful for YOU because your overwhelming action to #StandWithPeggy created a powerful scene at the U.S. Supreme Court!
Sara Alcid's picture
*Special guests include: Dr. Justin Hansford, St. Louis University School of Law and founder of The Georgetown Journal of Law and Modern Critical Race Perspectives; Esther Armah, radio host of The Spin, playwright, and creator of Emotional Justice; Liz Watson, Director of Workplace Justice for...
Kristin's picture
One thing I’m grateful for during this season of thanksgiving is the peace of mind that comes from knowing that my two daughters are happy, healthy, safe and constructively engaged during the school day and, just as critically, in the hours afterward. My girls are lucky.
Jodi Grant's picture
Have you heard the news? Congress plans to roll back school lunch while parents and families prepare for their winter break. They're hoping we'll be too busy to notice. But, they have underestimated us! This #FoodFri, Friday, December 5, 2014 at 1pm, EST/10am, PST, @MomsRising and @CSPI will be...
Migdalia Rivera's picture
Moms and dads from around the country have shared their positive experiences with the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) and Child Tax Credit with MomsRising. Read these stories and learn how vital these two tax programs are to working families.
Elyssa Schmier's picture
