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September is “back to school” month for most kids in the United States. My daughter is in her last year of preschool, but some of her buddies have moved on to kindergarten. As this momentous transition is just around the corner for her, I’ve been talking to friends and family about what to expect...
Manel Kappagoda's picture
We’ve come a long way, ladies. Now it’s time to go farther, faster. With’s recent announcement that it would increase its political coverage heading into election season and that it would launch #Cosmovotes , an initiative to get more young women to vote and endorse candidates who...
Erin Vilardi's picture
“Are you listening to your life–what is it trying to tell you?” Renee Trudeau Stephen Cope, MSW, author and director of Kripalu’s Institute for Extraordinary Living says retreats don’t change our lives as much as they change where we stand in relationship to our lives—and our capacity to see the...
Renee Trudeau's picture
On the radio show this week, first up we hear from the researcher whose data sparked a New York Times article with this title: "The Motherhood Penalty vs. the Fatherhood Bonus --- A Child Helps Your Career, if You’re a Man."
Kristin's picture
In my home, September is a time for new beginnings! The kids are preparing for a new school year. We're shopping for new school clothes. And, new schedules are started. Notice, most of these changes were instituted because of the children. This year I decided to start something new for me. I joined...
Migdalia Rivera's picture
We are in the fourth week of school here in Oakland, California. Waking up is getting a little easier for the kids and the rush out the door, though still chaotic, is starting to feel normal again. But at the end of the school day, the kids are still a little like the Seven Dwarfs: Sleepy, Grumpy...
Jill Vialet's picture
Raise your voice!
I serve zucchini at least twice a month in my house. Each time it's the same story: my seven-year-old son tells me he doesn't like it (because it's a vegetable - "Yuck Mom!"). Then I remind him that he does actually like it and ask him to try it anyway because it's good for him. It takes some...
Felicia Burnett's picture
Take Action!
BREAKING! Due in no small part to your efforts, letters, calls, stories, and testimony, the U.S. Senate just advanced the Paycheck Fairness Act in a historic vote. But the bill isn't fully passed yet.
Ruth Martin's picture
Tamika Middleton is a lifelong social justice advocate committed to examining and fighting against racial, gender and economic oppressions. In this post, Tamika writes about black mothers being punished for being poor. Tamika is a Writing Fellow for the Center for Community Change. Tamika Middleton...
Donna De La Cruz's picture
I have relied on Medicaid for both my daughter and I on and off since she was a toddler. Not long after graduating with my MA in Family Counseling, my daughter and I were left without health insurance, since I was no longer allowed to purchase the university's group health plan. With my first job...
Anna's picture
