I serve zucchini at least twice a month in my house.
Each time it's the same story: my seven-year-old son tells me he doesn't like it (because it's a vegetable - "Yuck Mom!"). Then I remind him that he does actually like it and ask him to try it anyway because it's good for him. It takes some coaxing, but once he tries it, he remembers that he actually loves zucchini and eats the rest without argument.
Sometimes legislators need a reminder too about what policies we like and are good for families. The Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) was funded in 1997 and got strong bipartisan support from Republicans and Democrats alike. Why? Because it's good for children and families like it.
Do you or someone you know have a child who has benefited from CHIP? Tell us about it!
Federal lawmakers aren't pledging their support (yet) to renew funding for the Children's Health Insurance Program so we need to remind them that their constituents support this program which serves nearly 8 million children in the U.S. A lot of legislators don't understand how valuable CHIP is for families and why it needs to be renewed.
Here are some questions that might spark some ideas for a story you can share with us:
- Have your children been able to get check-ups and preventative care thanks to CHIP?
- Have you had to rely on CHIP to cover your children after the loss of a job?
- Are you working but still need CHIP because coverage isn't available through your job?
- Do you have a child with special healthcare needs who has gotten coverage through CHIP?
- Has CHIP given you peace of mind that your children have health insurance coverage?
Your experiences are powerful! We will share your experiences with key decision makers to help them understand how critical CHIP is for families. But time is short! Right now, legislators are considering whether to continue funding for this critical program. Many federal lawmakers and their staffs don't understand what CHIP has done for families in our country, nor are they sure how it fits in with all of the other recent changes to healthcare. They need to hear from people who have benefited from it to understand how truly important this program is!
**Raise your voice and tell us why CHIP matters for you and your family!**
CHIP provides medical, dental, and vision coverage for children in families who make too much to qualify for Medicaid but not enough to be able to afford the high cost of health insurance. It is a lifeline for millions of children who would not have access to quality health coverage otherwise. Kids who have health insurance are less likely to get sick and more likely to get preventative care (including immunizations and dental care) to help them stay well. It also ensures they get the treatment they need when they do get sick, injured, or have a recurring illness. But if Congress doesn't act soon to continue its funding, these children will be at risk of losing coverage.
Click here to ask your friends on Facebook to share their story.
What are we going to do with these stories? We will be compiling these experiences into a book to share with lawmakers (with just your first name and city) to remind them how important CHIP is for families.
The views and opinions expressed in this post are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect those of MomsRising.org.
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