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This show starts with uncovering the impact of sexism in the media. Next up we hear about brain development and what you can do to help the little ones in your life thrive. Then we get the inside scoop on the controversies and highlights from Grammy awards. Then we close the show hearing how you (...
Kristin's picture
On January 30, 2014, the House GOP released their principles on immigration reform. The principles emphasize border security, tougher enforcement, reforms to the immigration system, and a pathway to citizenship for those who entered as children. While the principles are a step in the right...
Wendy Cervantes's picture
Bilingual resources are essential in helping Latino communities get the information they need to enroll in new, affordable healthcare options. That’s why the Asegúrate in Spanish campaign is so important for Californians. The website offers resources on coverage options, frequently asked questions...
Nina Perez's picture
popkid_caro_article-small_38242.jpg Ever have someone tell you they've got "the sugar" when you asked how they are doing? It's a old Southern term that means he/she is sick, stricken with a form of diabetes, and in most cases, type 2. Type 2 diabetes is a debilitating, life altering, deadly and...
Monifa Bandele's picture
I worry a lot about the language being used surrounding women’s health care. Many people have argued that women should have to pay a higher price for insurance to cover the unique services we require. That we alone should bare the burden of reproductive healthcare costs such as prenatal care and...
Hanna Sherrill's picture
“I can remember only a few years back when the MomsRising State of the Union BINGO card was nearly empty. Keep up the incredible work!” --Wendy, MomsRising member Two words you never thought you'd see together: Historic. BINGO. Tuesday night’s State of the Union address and MomsRising's related...
Kristin's picture
To read more stories, click on "Let's Blog4Health! Day One" and "Let's Blog4Health! Day Two." More than 10 million people have enrolled for healthcare coverage under the Affordable Care Act (ACA). Yet, millions more are still uninsured, paying too much for health insurance, or unaware that they are...
Kristin's picture
Kids are eating out a lot these days and most restaurant kids' meals include a soda. These sugar-sweetened beverages are the largest source of calories in children's diets, providing nearly half of their added sugar intake. With more than three-quarters of the top restaurant chains offering sugary...
Migdalia Rivera's picture
Coca-Cola’s mission is “to refresh the world” and promote “open happiness.” The world’s number one beverage company boasts about its initiatives “to support active, healthy living” such as donating to youth fitness programs. Here are a few examples of young people who are questioning this sugar-...
Wendy Lesko's picture
What do Maryland’s kids, our declining honeybees and fish have in common – and especially during this Maryland 2014 legislative session? Pesticides! High rates of childhood cancer, autism, ADHD and asthma in Maryland and elsewhere have been linked to pesticide exposures. Pesticides are also...
Ruth Berlin's picture
