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Et tu, microwave popcorn? By now, most of us know that trans fat is bad news. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) really helped out moms and consumers like us in 2006, when it began requiring companies to list the amount of trans fat on product labels. [1] We're not in the clear yet, as...
Karen Showalter's picture
Earlier this week our partners in Asia released an in-depth, global study on children and pesticides. As a mom, I'm both deeply thankful for this report and profoundly frustrated that it needs to be written at all. Dr. Meriel Watts reviewed hundreds of scientific studies from around the world, and...
Kristin Schafer's picture
My New York Times Sunday Dialogue piece on pro-family policy changes that could improve caregivers' economic security elicited a number of responses. One led me to a post by Valerie Adrian, a mother of 3 currently pursuing her Ph,D. in Sociology on the opposite side of the country, but engaged in...
Valerie Young's picture
As we move into this season of connecting with family and old friends, I’m guessing most of us know someone who is struggling in the sluggish job market – a nephew who hasn’t been able to get a foothold in the career of his choice, a teacher who was laid off, an older neighbor who has had his hours...
Katherine McFate's picture
[ View the story "#MomsOnClimate Nov. 14, 2013" on Storify ]
Connie Ho's picture
Who is the Clark Griswald in your family? In my family it’s me. As much as I love the holidays, that excitement always seems to come with burning myself thanks to elaborate recipes I would usually avoid or falling off a six foot ladder while hanging lights on my in-laws palm trees. It also means...
Nina Perez's picture
Disturbed. That’s how I felt after seeing the latest holiday news coming out of some of our country’s biggest businesses. For example, ABC News reports McDonald’s is giving its employees holiday “financial tips” like, “Selling some of your unwanted possessions on eBay or Craigslist could bring in...
Elyssa Schmier's picture
When the first lady is attacked and called a feminist nightmare for embracing her role as "mom-in-chief" -- despite her leadership in key policy areas like stemming the childhood obesity epidemic, increasing access to healthy food and aiding military families and veterans -- it's time to call foul...
Kristin's picture
With the end of the legislative session drawing near in Florida, deciding whether to expand Medicaid to millions is a hot-button topic. In order for the Affordable Care Act (ACA) to be the most effective, it is imperative that states accept federal money to expand Medicaid to those who would...
Bianka Salomon's picture
The holiday season is officially begun! With so many treats, family dinners and festive parties on the horizon, we could all use help staying healthy. Consider this blog a supportive recipe box that you can return to with one quick click during the harried holiday season. We'll be updating with...
dream hampton's picture
