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MomsRising, PICONetwork, UltraViolet, Children's Defense Fund and the National Network to End Domestic Violence are pleased to present this gathering of voices against gun violence. Gun violence causes more than 30 deaths daily, yet gun manufacturers and their allies hope that the public will...
Kristin's picture
Eight years ago, our first son was born. Like many, I found becoming a parent to be an amazing, life-changing experience. I was humbled by the realities of this new responsibility and overwhelmed by the love that I had to give. Nine months of anticipation only partially prepare you for parenthood...
David Uy's picture
Raymond is suffering from depression. He doesn’t know that he is depressed. He is 11-years-old and in the 5th grade. He only knows that he is tired of feeling this way. He has no friends with whom he can be himself. School is too hard. His parents only accept “A”s and he can’t come close to getting...
Gina Carroll's picture
I can’t believe it’s the six-month anniversary of Newtown. I took a moment to read this blog I wrote a few days after the tragic event. It feels as relevant to me today as it did 6 months ago. The conversations are the same and I feel frustrated and stuck. We simply have to move forward. -Traci...
Traci Underwood's picture
A one-year-old baby boy is ripped out of his mother’s arms with no assurance that they will ever see each other again. A second grader in Minnesota ended up home alone caring for his toddler brother. Every day, kids come home wondering if their parents will be there. As a mom, I know that children’...
Elisa Batista's picture
Sign This Petition Abbott Labratories, the makers of Similac Infant Formula, had a shareholders meeting and voted down removing GMOs from their infant formula. And thus abandoning babies. *jaw drops to ground* I sat here completely stunned because not only does Similac Infant Formula contain...
Leah Segedie's picture
With the 6 month anniversary of the Newtown massacre upon us it's a good time to self reflect on one of the central issues brought to the forefront, gun violence. On the surface it appears to be a noble crusade. If we could regulate this proliferation of guns then we could get a handle on tragedies...
C BS ALife Allah's picture
Photo credit: Francois Polito, Sculpture of “Non-Violence”by Carl Fredrik Reuterswärd He was a braggart about his guns. He told my sons about packing heat and spoke in hyperbolic detail about the other-worldly power and rush that shooting a gun can jolt. He spoke of a violent testosterone fueled...
Ilina Ewen's picture
The MomsRising healthcare team is getting excited that millions of families will soon have new health coverage options through their state health coverage marketplaces! We will be recruiting members (that's you!) for a special team who will pledge to share information with their friends and family...
Felicia Burnett's picture
A coalition is astir. Mothers are being heard. Children are not pawns to be used for gain. Junk food marketing to children must stop. “ " Over the past three decades, childhood obesity has doubled among children and tripled among adolescents, according to the Center for Disease Control and...
Migdalia Rivera's picture
