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My name is Reyna Diaz Mayida and my life changed in Houston, Texas on January 10, 2013. Houston was where my family and I were refused entry back into the US from Mexico. It was where we were turned away from coming home to Berkeley, California. I always returned to Mexico to renew my passport and...
Reyna Diaz's picture
The Affordable Care Act (ACA) turns three this week, and already this toddler has been extraordinarily helpful to children and families in California and across the nation. Millions of California children and families have already benefited from the ACA. Thanks to the ACA , 2.1 million California...
Michele Stillwell-Parvensky's picture
Three years ago this Saturday, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act was signed into law by President Barack Obama. Since then, the law has both derisively and lovingly been re-named "ObamaCare". Whatever we choose to call it - health reform, the ACA, ObamaCare - this groundbreaking law...
Ashley Boyd's picture
One of the most important priorities for any family is being able to access quality, affordable health care. We all get colds, we all have preventive care needs, and we all need health care coverage. And when we deal with our own health care crises, its our family we turn to for support. However,...
Ashley Wheeland's picture
Like so many other Americans, I am proud of my immigrant roots. My mother came to this country as a child with her family from Austria. She never finished high school because she had to work to support her family. My dad was the only one of nine children to be born in America, and the only one to...
Barbara Boxer's picture
The reference to the question, “What’s in a name?”, quoted in the Shakespearean classic, Romeo and Juliet, probes the significance of a surname and family lineage when it comes to measuring someone’s character. The idea is to suggest that a name is of little to no significance, or, at least, that’s...
Lorraine Gonzalez's picture
Dear Affordable Care Act, Happy birthday, old friend! I can’t believe it was just three years ago that you were born – and I can’t believe in just three years what a difference you’ve made in our lives. You’re a wonderful, wonderful law, and I can’t thank you enough. My pre-existing conditions don’...
Cheasty Anderson's picture
As the Health Policy Director at Advocates for Children & Youth and as a member of the steering committee for the Maryland Women’s Coalition for Health Care Reform, I can say that the implementation process has at times been challenging. This is particularly true in Maryland where we are so far...
Leigh Cobb's picture
Co-written by Katherine Ullman. An essay this month in The Wall Street Journal recycled a tired trope : “queen bees” in the office are making the lives of other women a living hell. We’ve heard this before. Powerful women are just grown up high-school “mean girls” chipping away at the self-...
Joan C. Williams's picture
In its Annual Letter to Stockholders this year, Viacom, a leading global entertainment company that owns over 160 networks including Nickelodeon, boasts about its methods for delivering profits. The letter states, “As always, we aggressively pursue every sensible opportunity to monetize our media...
Carol Hazen's picture
