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Each year Equal Pay Day highlights the continued disparity in pay between men and women in the United States. In 2011 women who worked full time and year round earned only 77 cents to every dollar earned by men. That wage gap persists and is even more pronounced in the immigrant community: An...
Ann Garcia's picture
“Patience is a virtue.” Who first said that, and why? A quick Internet search points to a few “medieval poets.” Let’s leave it there—in the dark ages—and move on: to why patience is on my mind, and not in a virtuous, well-behaved way. I just spent an evening at Seattle’s Town Hall listening to five...
Ann Hedreen's picture
Whether it is television, movies, vending machines or other activities children are seduced with a plethora of junk food. With video games in the mix, the lack of movement becomes a bigger problem. Working in education for 10 years I noticed a disheartening trend regarding childhood obesity. As a...
Yvelette Stines's picture
One of my preschooler’s favorite jokes: What do you get when you put lipstick on a pig? Answer: A pig. Why do I bring this up? Because right now, some members of Congress are trying to put lipstick on a pig: They’re introducing a bill called the “Working Families Flexibility Act,” a "comp time"...
Ruth Martin's picture
Despite the fact that Social Security isn’t contributing a penny to the federal budget deficit, fiscal hawks have convinced President Barack Obama that we must slash its benefits to save the country. He’s joined the sky-is-falling crew in a crazed search for targeted cuts that will shrink Social...
Martha Burk's picture
Just three short months after the tragic shooting deaths of 20 first graders at Sandy Hook Elementary School... Just weeks after a Chicago infant was killed in cross fire... And just days after President Obama made an impassioned plea to the American people to “remember how we felt 100 days ago,...
Gloria Pan's picture
For English, click here . La Liga de Ciudadanos Latinoamericanos Unidos (League of United Latin American Citizens, o LULAC por sus siglas en inglés) aplaude las nuevas directrices nutricionales del Departamento de Agricultura de Estados Unidos (USDA) para las comidas escolares. Muchos niños latinos...
Jessica Fuentes's picture
For English, click here . (Veronica Gonzalez-Smith está retratada en el extremo derecho con su hermana y su madre, quienes son también sus coautoras del libro Muy Bueno) Mis hijos nunca han estado entusiasmados por comer el almuerzo de la cafetería escolar, y después de leer el menú de la cafetería...
Veronica Gonzalez-Smith's picture
For English, click here . Primero, sólo déjenme indicar que no estoy abogando por mentirles a los niños. No estoy proponiendo que las mamás y los papás inventen mentiras tontas y digan cuentos sólo para hacer que los niños coman más saludablemente. De ninguna manera estoy diciendo eso. Mentirle a...
Lily Eskelsen's picture
Women in the United States are 11 times more likely to be murdered with guns than they are in any other developed nation. This violence is directly related to our weak gun laws.
Gloria Pan's picture
