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Now that roughly half the paid workforce is female, pregnancy issues surface regularly at work. You may have thought that the Pregnancy Discrimination Act (“PDA”), passed in 1978, would have settled all this already. You’d be wrong. First of all, new data from the U.S. Census Bureau show that 62...
Valerie Young's picture
My NYSHEPA colleagues and I worked hard for years to get menu labeling laws passed locally in New York. Over 60 percent of our state is now covered by menu labeling ordinances. We also worked hard to get a federal menu labeling law passed in 2010, so that all consumers would see calories posted, on...
Nancy Huehnergarth's picture
Here's a fundamental truth: As rising moms, we must never leave other mothers behind. My sheer commitment to make sure no mother lacked the support she needed if she chose to breastfeed led me to find my life's purpose. In 2007, I created a non-profit organization, Black Mothers’ Breastfeeding...
kiddadagreen's picture
Great news! Remember the credit card fiasco which unintentionally prevented stay-at-home parents from getting credit cards? (I wish I didn't!) Last week in his testimony before Congress, Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) Director Richard Cordray indicated that the CFPB would soon issue...
Ashley Boyd's picture
The votes of unmarried women can determine the outcome of this election. The gender gap is real. Since 1980 a higher percentage of women than men have been voting for a given candidate, and they have tended to vote in higher percentages for Democrats. But that’s not the whole story. There is even a...
Madeleine Kunin's picture
My friend and I were talking recently about what we would consider to be the best kid age. Now, I have a 6, 2, and 1-year-old so I’ve been through many of the early childhood stages at least once. And yet, I’m still at a loss for what I’d consider my favorite. Let’s do a little recap, shall we?
CT Working Moms's picture
My mother tells me that our family is distantly related, through her father's side, to Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm, brothers famous for collecting and publishing fairytales that Disney later made even more famous. One of their lesser-known stories has been on my mind lately, mainly because I think it's...
Kelly Singleton's picture
Headlines about the “crisis in education” might lead you to believe otherwise but most educational outcomes in the United States have improved over the last decade. High school graduation rates and national math and reading scores for students of all races and incomes are higher than ever. More...
Laura Speer's picture
This story originally appeared in New America Media . Para español, haga clic aquí . As national media debate whether women can “have it all” – a successful career and a family – one group of women has chosen to provide for their families at all costs, even if it means leaving their kids behind...
Norma De La Vega's picture
After the first successful Google+ Hangout last month in which we talked about back-to-school and school food, we are hosting our second Hangout this Thursday, the 27th, which will focus on the global Food Revolution and our fantastic volunteer community ambassadors. This month's Hangout will put a...
Jamie Oliver's picture
