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This post originally appeared in the Global Motherhood section of the Huffington Post. With the continued reverberations of Anne-Marie Slaughter's article "Why Women Still Can't Have It All" on why high-achieving American women still struggle to combine motherhood and work, it's time to look at the...
Clare Winterton's picture
I was driving home from school drop off this am, listening to J Lo sing about wanting to dance again and it hit me. An idea so powerful that it sent chills from the top of my head all the way down to my feet. I saw the divine Goddess gathering all the archetypes, the spirits, the energies, the...
Lisa Labon's picture
Last week, we announced a $20,000 settlement , the latest in a series of important HUD enforcement actions across the country to address denials of home loans to women because they are pregnant or on maternity leave. We are able to aggressively pursue this type of discrimination because of the help...
John Trasvina's picture
An open letter from Women's Voices for the Earth to one of the biggest consumer product companies on the planet: make the obvious moral decision to remove a cancer-causing chemical from Tide ® and Tide Free & Gentle ® . Dear Mr. McDonald, We’d like to point out some serious discrepancies...
Cassidy Randall's picture
Michelle Obama and Ann Romney are prominently featured in their spouse’s presidential campaigns. Both have made prime-time speeches during the Tampa and Charlotte conventions, which were parsed in detail by the media. Did they make their husbands more likeable? Could they secure the “women’s vote”...
Valerie Young's picture
By Abby Lane, Fellow, National Women’s Law Center We’re back this Friday with your monthly update on the BLS jobs numbers . Other things are back too – cooler temps are back, Monday night football is back, and kids are back to school – but one thing that isn’t back are teachers . Local education...
Katherine Gallagher Robbins's picture
Kids today are the online generation, whether they are using mobile phones, laptops, PCs or playing games and connecting on social media. They are also at the epicenter of a powerful digital advertising apparatus that stealthily tracks and targets them so they can be sent interactive ads for junk...
Joy Spencer's picture
In April, I wrote a piece about the balance between personal choices and public policy in the battle to stem the deadly obesity crisis. Since that time, a lot has happened to educate and raise public awareness about junk food, regulate public consumption of unhealthy foods and beverages, and tackle...
Marc Lamont Hill's picture
The Labor Day op-ed I co-authored with Anne-Marie Slaughter was written before I read a stupendous, and sobering, article by Erin Kelly , a sociologist at University of Minnesota, who is one of the foremost work-family researchers in the country. (All data and quotes in this article are from her...
Joan C. Williams's picture
Bargains are available in all aspects of our lives, even when it comes to the health of our children. I have figured out a way to add nutritious foods, nutrition education and additional physical activity into my children’s elementary school at no cost. At Walt Disney Elementary School in San Ramon...
Gayla Moghannam's picture
