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I remember the moment I became a mother. It was like lightening and thunder inside my body, and then, suddenly and unexpectedly, a delightful soft and smooth swoosh. And there she was. Like every mother, I wanted my child to be happy. That was 24 years ago, and instinctively, I knew that happiness...
Laura Musikanski's picture
Yeah -- no copay for well child visits! By Elisabeth Burak, Georgetown University Center for Children and Families As some Say Ahhh! readers know, I recently moved across the country with my husband and toddler. It's been more than three months, but we're still searching our new place for clothes...
Say Ahhh's picture
By Kevin Lucia, Georgetown University Health Policy Institute's Center on Health Insurance Studies When a child turns two, it's natural to take stock of all the milestones they have achieved such as first steps, first words and first solid foods. Some parents are even organized enough to document...
Say Ahhh's picture
By Joan Alker, Georgetown University Center for Children and Families One of the least often discussed provisions of the Affordable Care Act continues to be one of the most popular according to the latest Kaiser Health News tracking poll. Seventy percent of those responding to the poll thought...
Say Ahhh's picture
March is women's history month and I wanted to share a few tidbits of women's history that are even less commonly known than most, and history that is still impacting the lives of women and mothers today. Did you know that… When the Social Security act was adopted in the late 1930's, the Council...
Kristin Maschka's picture
Governor Jan Brewer of Arizona signed into law a measure to limit the shackling of pregnant women, bringing the number of states with such laws on the books to 15. The new law applies to state and county prisons and jails, and prohibits shackling during transportation to the hospital to give birth...
Rachel Roth's picture
For the tenth #HERvotes blog carnival, we’re celebrating the second anniversary of the new health-reform law, the Affordable Care Act, or ACA. Photo of Barack Obama signing the Affordable Care Act on March 23, 2010, from Wikimedia Commons. Why are women so excited about the ACA? Well, for a start,...
A casi dos años de la Reforma Médica se puede decir que se ha dado un paso adelante en el camino correcto. Muchas familias se han beneficiado con los cambios y esto a la larga nos beneficiará a todos. La posibilidad de contar con seguro médico para niños con condiciones preexistentes, incluir a los...
Silvia Martinez's picture
Next week, a very adult conversation begins at the U.S. Supreme Court, but much of it will have an enormous impact on children. For three days, lawyers will argue over the constitutionality of two major provisions in the Affordable Care Act—the so-called “individual mandate,” requiring most...
Ann OLeary's picture
This story originally appeared on Thursday, March 22, in the We Belong Together website . BIRMINGHAM, Alabama -- Together, we are a diverse group of women leaders representing national advocacy communities. We represent faith-based, legal, human rights, worker rights, civil rights, immigrant rights...
Alabama Delegates's picture
