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Next week, a very adult conversation begins at the U.S. Supreme Court, but much of it will have an enormous impact on children. For three days, lawyers will argue over the constitutionality of two major provisions in the Affordable Care Act—the so-called “individual mandate,” requiring most...
Ann OLeary's picture
This story originally appeared on Thursday, March 22, in the We Belong Together website . BIRMINGHAM, Alabama -- Together, we are a diverse group of women leaders representing national advocacy communities. We represent faith-based, legal, human rights, worker rights, civil rights, immigrant rights...
Alabama Delegates's picture
For English, click here El 23 de marzo celebramos el segundo aniversario de la histórica ley de cuidado de salud a bajo precio (o Affordable Care Act en inglés). Creo firmemente que todos los estadounidenses, incluyendo los hispanos, tienen derecho a un cuidado de salud de calidad que esté a su...
Senator Robert Menendez's picture
I do not know Sybrina Fulton. Nor can I claim to understand the depth of her pain. Yet, we share a deep connection. A commonality experienced by those women who face the challenge of raising a Black male child in a nation that far too often views Black male bodies through a prism of fear. You see,...
Avis Jones-DeWeever's picture
Hay muchas cosas que se han dicho y escrito sobre la ley de Cuidado de Salud a bajo Costo – la legislación del cuidado de salud histórica que el presidente Obama firmó hace dos años. Pero lo que quizás no se ha oído es cómo esta ley ayuda a mujeres, en particular mujeres de color, que enfrentan...
Congresswoman Hilda Solis's picture
As a member of Waterkeeper Alliance, Mobile Baykeeper is one of 199 organizations working across the globe to protect its local waterways. Waterkeeper Alliance is the leading voice for the world’s waters with roots dating back to 1966, when a concerned group of commercial and recreational fishermen...
Tammy Herrington's picture
A couple of years ago one of my children was diagnosed with a disorder. She was so barely on the needle of having this disease, that they ran the blood work three separate times (bloodwork that cost over $7,000 mind you). Sure enough, she's at the very outer edge of having it. In fact, we were told that were we to test her tomorrow, it's a 50/50 shot as to whether she'd be positive. But that diagnosis now lives on her file. For life.
This story was adapted from a column that originally appeared in Cafe Mom's The Stir blog . What would universal health care look like? I have somewhat of an idea. Last summer, I took my three children to Mexico for a summer cultural immersion experience. We spent about a month in the country where...
Nadia Jones's picture
(Would you, could you, vote for me? Inching my way up the rankings in Circle of Mom’s Top 25 Political Mom Blogs . Thanks! We now return you to your regularly scheduled blog post….) Women now navigating the vast ocean of motherhood were likely born decades after the women’s liberation movement of...
Valerie Young's picture
Since Monday, more than 90,000 of our members have taken action , calling on the Department of Justice to take over Trayvon Martin's case, arrest his killer, and launch an independent investigation into the Sanford police department's initial mishandling of the case. The senseless killing of the 17...
Dani McClain's picture
