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My husband lost his job in July. He is college-educated with 10 years of experience in the engineering field. He should be able to find another job. Unfortunately, now it's the end of October and although he has had several interviews, he has been unable to find full-time work. Our family is...
Karoline's picture
This week I will be sitting in at Congressional members’ offices, confronting corporate lobbyists on K Street and taking other actions with organizers from Our DC and across the country to draw attention to our nation’s high unemployment and underemployment rate. I haven’t felt this energized since...
Linda Evans's picture
The reason I say “working” families is because this economy is much more complicated than “working” and “unemployed.” There are many families like ours, struggling, even though we both technically have jobs. We are both in our 50s, have no retirement savings and are living paycheck to paycheck. A...
Elisanta Batista's picture
To say that the job market is “bad” in Tampa, Florida, would be an understatement. The city has an unemployment rate of almost 11% , which is slightly higher than the rest of the state and significantly higher than the rest of the country. Everything from our home foreclosure rates to divorce rates...
Teresa Rey's picture
I am an RN who specializes in utilization review. I had worked for the same company since 1999. Unfortunately, as the dawn of the economic crisis broke, that company was swallowed up by another company, and then that was sold to another. After years of losing pensions, switching to lesser yielding...
Theresa Witt's picture
Usually we think of cheer, not fear, as synonymous with the holiday season. All you have to do is look around in store windows or at TV commercials and you see pretty, shiny objects holding court with cheerful jingles playing in the background. Then there’s that car commercial where the jingle is...
Christy Jones's picture
Edible treats make great stocking stuffers; just make sure they’re not stuffed with toxins. Follow these basic tricks to find non-toxic (and inexpensive!) alternatives: 1) Look for less packaging: Those giant, food filled holiday baskets are home to loads of plastic. And unfortunately, even for...
Claire Moshenberg's picture
Denied. That’s the response Holly McCall of Virginia received when she recently applied for a credit card. The reason? Holly is a stay-at-home mother. Effective October 1st – just as parents are stocking up on holiday gifts – credit card companies are required to consider an applicant’s individual...
Ashley Boyd's picture
Any second-grader could do the math. I say the Job Creators are the 99% who clip discount coupons from the Sunday newspaper so they can get 4 cans for $1.
Lily Eskelsen's picture
A few years ago I started to learn about the utter lack of regulation by the FDA of many of the products used by women and children. Did you know that most of the ingredients in your body lotion, shampoo, baby shampoo, deodorant, shaving cream, perfume, tooth paste and other similar items are...
Michelle Noehren's picture
