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Today I discovered the most amazing game I can play with my two-year-old son. It’s called “Me Fall Down Too” and here’s how it goes. My son throws himself down on the floor and says “Me fall down!” Then I throw myself down on the floor and I say “Me fall down too!” And here’s the genius part. I can...
Ali Smith's picture
Beauty products make great stocking stuffers for the ladies in your life. Leave toxic chemicals out of your gifts by using these easy shopping tips or making inexpensive, non-toxic DIY versions. 1) First, do your research before you give: We know you want to avoid giving a toxic gift, but labels on...
Claire Moshenberg's picture
The U.S. economy continues to sputter and that means state legislators around the country are once again debating deep cuts in spending. Here in Washington, the latest round of budget-cutting threatens to wash away one of the state’s vital though too often overlooked programs for families: Prenatal...
Paul Nyhan's picture
It's been easy for people worried about the sexualization of little girls to feel unambivalently distressed about Miley Cyrus as Disney's Hannah Montana. But how should we feel about her now that she's made this great music video about Occupy protests around the world?
Susan Linn's picture
by Tojosan on On December 4, 2011, the Livingroom Conversations Website went live and I co-hosted a demonstration Living Room Conversation gathering with my conservative partner Amanda Kathyrn Roman. I'm still feeling the glow. I expanded...
joan's picture
I’m a mom of a two-and-a-half year old and a three month old and I have a full time job. If I have any extra “me” time that isn’t spent shirking the gym and the growing piles of laundry, I’ll probably spend it sleeping. So a TV show has to be super appealing to make it on my very small “must see”...
Ruth Martin's picture
Crossposted from Generation Green , the action center for the Center for Environmental Health. Last week, agreements reached with eleven companies that make products sold at national retailers, including Walgreens, Target, Whole Foods and many others, their “organic” labeled products must comply...
Charles Margulis's picture
When our children are sick, most of us take comfort in knowing the pediatrician is only a phone call away. Yet, too many children face long waits and limited access to the health care they need. If Congress doesn’t step up to protect the programs our kids need, more families will struggle to access...
Aimee Ossman's picture
by Rachel Lincoln Sarnoff Executive Director/CEO Healthy Child Healthy World Last week, the news broke that Consumer Reports had found traces of arsenic in apple juice. Naturally, I was alarmed. Although we don’t keep juice in the house—limiting the selections to filtered water...
On December 2nd, FAIR Girls (an agency I co-founded in 2003 to help find and empower high risk and exploited girls) and fifty-three leading anti-trafficking experts and organizations sent a letter to Village Voice Media demanding the immediate and permanent removal of the Adult section of its...
Andrea Powell's picture
