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Use Your Voice, Black Lives Matter
The unending and unjust police brutality towards Black lives has once again created a wave of devastating media content and rippling conversations families are once again forced to have. For Black families this has been a never ending conversation as police violence takes Black life, after Black...
Donna's picture
Home caregiver speaking with elderly woman.
Immigrants are a vital part of our essential workforce, the care infrastructure, our communities, and our families. During the COVID-19 pandemic, this has become even more apparent as immigrants played and continue to play an integral role in our care infrastructure as caregivers and other...
Donna's picture
family reading
It is commonly known that Parent involvement in children's lives is one of the highest indicators of early literacy success for children. However, literacy is also a great way to provide an entry point on having conversations around social justice issues and advocacy even for our youngest learners...
Marysol Perez's picture
What the heck is the American Rescue Plan?
MomsRising and the #CareCantWait Coalition came together with U.S. Speaker Nancy Pelosi and experts on April 8, 2021 to get you information on how to get the new benefits available due to the recent passage of the American Rescue Plan (ARP). Why? Polls are showing that the majority of people in our...
MomsRising's picture
What the heck is the American Rescue Plan?
On the latest episode of Breaking Through radio podcast Kristin and guests cover why the care infrastructure is part of our nation’s basic infrastructure — and how #CareCantWait. They also dive into the power of YOUR (our members) story and discuss how you can support the AAPI community and work to...
Amber Dorsey's picture
We’ll get right to it! This week’s 5Actions include ways to learn more about new benefits available to YOU and your family (including the new direct payments related to children in the Child Tax Credit) due to the recent passage of the American Rescue Act (ARP) at a special online event with...
Sue Anne Reed's picture
Food Security for Immigrant Families During COVID-19 Tweetchat
On Friday, March 12th, we had an exciting bilingual #FoodFri Tweetchat about Food Security for Immigrant Families During COVID-19. Immigrants are an essential part of our country and workforce. We focused our discussion on what food assistance programs are available to immigrant and mixed-status...
Hanna's picture
On the latest episode of Breaking Through radio podcast Kristin and guests cover what’s happening in the nation’s capitol and the benefits coming the public’s way due to the passage of the American Rescue Plan. Tune in to hear the latest on how we can all best push for progress, pay equity, and...
Amber Dorsey's picture
We are moving full steam ahead to make sure our elected leaders pass universal childcare, paid leave for all, help for struggling families and working people, and create a fairer tax code for women, moms, families, and everyone impacted by structural racism. But all of that takes $$$. That’s why it...
Elyssa Schmier's picture
On the radio show this week Kristin and company cover what’s in the American Rescue Plan for YOU and how you can access those benefits. They discuss the Equality Act that’s moving forward in Congress and what you can do to help make this critically important bill pass. They also touch on how you...
Amber Dorsey's picture
