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From Your (Wo)manInWashington blog This week on the Hill, members of the Work, Family and Health Network presented their findings at a congressional briefing about the intersection of workplace policy and workers' health and well-being. When employees face conflict between work and family...
Valerie Young's picture
For as long as I can remember I have wanted a house full of children. Though I don't have children now, when I first learned about the lack of laws banning the building of schools inside of, on top of, and near sources of pollution, I thought of them and what attending school on top of a landfill...
Renee Blanchard's picture
Quick Pop Quiz for you: Is the following statement True or False? "With equal job experiences and resumes mothers are hired 79% less of the time than non-mothers." Wait a minute.... Think about the answer for a moment... Could it possibly be true? Mothers a whole 79% less likely to be hired???...
Kristin's picture
How can Letterman's news make the world better for working moms? Let's take this chance to have some straight talk about how bad rules -- or no rules -- at work drive a lot of women away from good jobs. Let's talk openly about our personal experience so working moms can stay, succeed and join forces with good guys (like Fred in the below) to reset workplace culture.
Sharon Meers's picture
My name is Misty Fetko. I am a registered nurse and mom of two. In 2003, I discovered my older son, Carl, unresponsive in his bedroom. He passed away that day from a lethal mix of drugs, including Fetanyl, a prescription narcotic; marijuana; and dextromethorphan (DXM), the active ingredient in many...
I recently experienced the visceral alienation of those who fall outside the "work/family" paradigm and it brought me up short. Of course I have written about a "work/life" approach - in an effort to be inclusive - but if I am honest I probably had more of my heart in the "work/family" camp. My...
Next Wednesday night, grab a cookie (ok, or healthy snack) and join MomsRising members across the nation on the phone or via the web for a cozy kitchen table chat about health reform and what it means for women and kids. We'll have experts on the line who can answer your questions and you'll have...
Here is some good news all eco-conscientious parents can bask in. Seven major electronics companies, including Apple and Sony-Ericsson, are actively eliminating toxic brominated flame retardants (BFR) and polyvinyl chloride (PVC) from their products. Two non-profit environmental organizations,...
Elisa Batista's picture
As an uncoordinated person, the word “balance” makes me uneasy -- I envision standing on one foot and falling over. This week, The Huffington Post says that if we want more happiness we should stop striving for balance and seek something else instead: "Strong moments” -- those great surges of...
Sharon Meers's picture
If your doctor is blase' about toxic chemicals, give him a copy of this report.
