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Before I begin, I want to thank for bringing pediatric healthcare to the forefront of people’s minds. Healthcare reform is a highly debated topic, and sometimes the littlest patients get left out. It is our job as moms (and dads) to make sure our kids have a voice and are a part of...
Written by Julia Kaye , Health Policy Associate, National Women's Law Center Last night, in a “hat-tip” to common-sense and efficacy, the Senate Finance Committee approved an amendment introduced by Chairman Baucus to provide funding for evidence-based comprehensive sex education. The Chairman...
Thao Nguyen's picture
From Your (Wo)manInWashington blog The (Wo)man in Washington is always looking for ways to level the playing field for women. After all, the structure of our society and economy impacts men and women in different ways, and it is not accidental. Women, especially those with children, make up the...
Valerie Young's picture
If it hadn’t been for the Big Macs that Joannie ate pretty much three times a week, she wouldn’t have gotten fat. If she hadn’t been exposed while in her mother’s womb to chemicals x, y and z, Joannie wouldn’t have had the propensity to get fat. And if Joannie’s mom had eaten more sensibly, both...
On NPR this week, I was asked if there’s any good in the new statistics showing that women now outnumber men in the work force. Maybe. If it lets us embrace women as breadwinners, I said, that would be healthy. Even healthier: If men do their part at home and free women to keep the kinds of jobs...
Sharon Meers's picture
Written by Judy Waxman , Vice President for Health and Reproductive Rights, National Women's Law Center Last I heard, getting pregnant takes two. This morning, in the Senate Finance Committee’s mark-up of the America’s Healthy Future Act, Senator Kyl (R-AZ) introduced an amendment to strip the bill...
Thao Nguyen's picture
Many of our members are shocked to find out that most health insurance policies sold on the individual market do not cover maternity care at all.[1] Take, for example, Rebecca from New Mexico, who just wrote us this note last week: "My husband lost his full-time job and benefits in January, so we...
Anita's picture
By Robin Reed, Online Outreach Manager, National Women's Law Center Last night, I went to a goodbye party for a friend who’s changing jobs. Amidst the nostalgic recollections and toasts to her future, we got to talking about some of the logistical problems that come with a change like this. Chiefly...
Thao Nguyen's picture
From Your (Wo)manInWashington blog Working Mother magazine has just hit the desk, and the cover trumpets the annual listing of 100 Best Companies for working mothers and other caregivers. The implicit message is that American business acknowledges the value of workers with caregiving...
Valerie Young's picture
We were delighted to see this editorial in the Stoneham Sun by Massachusetts legislator Jason Lewis. Today, nearly 1.4 million working people in Massachusetts aren't allowed to earn a single paid sick day -- and even folks with paid sick days are often not allowed to use them to take care of sick...
