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The scenario most working mothers fear happens when they least expect it. You've managed to transform your home into a well-oiled machine -- the nanny or sitter arrives in time for you to head out to the office, deal with rush hour traffic, grab a cappuccino and be at your desk milliseconds before your boss walks by your door.
PunditMom's picture
If you feel like your work benefits have shrunk, you are not crazy. According to the Houston Chronicle, employers are starting to scrutinize their budgets and slash employee benefits , such as dependents on health insurance plans.
Elisa Batista's picture
On paper, having a husband who does half the housework, changes half the diapers, cooks half the meals, and schedules half the pediatrician appointments (without any reminding) sounds like heaven to most women. In theory, having a wife who brings in half the money and never, ever nags or directs him at home sounds like the perfect dream to most men.
As mothers, there is no greater concern than the safety of our children. Yet with the recent reports of lead in toys for kids, moms and dads now have a new worry.
Speaker Nancy Pelosi's picture
Do you have a scary story to share about the hurdles you’ve faced raising children? Help collect real life stories about how scary it is to raise a child without adequate family-friendly policies. We’ve found that sharing true stories about the hurdles we face with parenting--from overly expensive healthcare and childcare, to a lack of time with children when they are born or sick--bring the issues to life better than any fact sheet could.
Kristin's picture
MomsRising members feel strongly that every child should have access to healthcare and are deeply concerned that approximately 683,000 children in California still don't have healthcare. In response, our members have taken more than 32,000 actions in the last year to call for healthcare coverage...
Ashley Boyd's picture
The '08 Presidential candidates are beginning to discuss the family-friendly aspects of their platforms. Hillary Clinton, for one, has voiced her support of paid parental leave and expanded FMLA benefits, as well as grants for workplace flexibility leaders and an end to job discrimination for parents. We look forward to learning the details of her work/family proposals and those of her opponents in the coming months.
Breaking News: Congress voted today on the State Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP), but didn't gain the 2/3 majority needed to overturn the President's veto. Now, we have another chance. In the coming weeks Congress will bring children's health insurance to the President again -- and they need our support. With 1 in 8 children in our nation living without any heathcare coverage, we still have work to do. The good news is that your more than 60,000 emailed letters to Congress, along with the work of our partner organizations, helped build the support that made the vote close enough to try again.
Katie Bethell's picture
Jim Johnson, the owner of Johnson Moving and Storage and a self-described conservative, also knows firsthand about the benefits of a family-friendly workplace. After attending a talk by Joan Williams, author of Unbending Gender, Jim decided that his company would define individual jobs according to goals rather than just by the hours worked and where the job was done. Now, a quarter of his employees are off-site or virtual workers. Many others work flexible hours to fit their family or personal schedules. Jim's company now enjoys low rates of turnover and a higher quality workforce.
Donna's picture
Missing from most news reports on the debate over the State Children's Health Insturance Program (S-CHIP) is one reason why getting an override on the president's veto will be tough: tobacco money. Tobacco campaign contributions, that is. The legislation pays for expansion of the children's health program with an increase in tobacco taxes, by increasing the levy from 39 cents to $1 a pack. Problem is so many members of Congress take tobacco campaign contributions. Overall, the industry has sunk nearly $25 million into federal elections since the 2000 elections, according to the Center for Responsive Politics. Nearly 80 percent of that cash went to Republicans. (Indeed, President George W. Bush himself took more than a quarter million from tobacco interests for his two presidential elections.)
