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In today’s economic crisis, women and families have been hit the hardest. Women struggling in this tough economy have had to make impossible decisions between health care for their children and paying rent or mortgages. But even in the best of times, women are still at disadvantage. After decades of struggle for equality, women still earn only 78 cents for every dollar earned by a man.
Speaker Nancy Pelosi's picture
The last time I was with Congresswoman Gillibrand was at a gathering at Senator Clinton's home in June. Gillibrand's new baby was six months old, I was pregnant with my third, and we were talking about what it's like to pump milk at work or on the road.
Andrea Dew Steele's picture
Here's our press release detailing some of the many ways that moms were engaged in this effort: U.S. Moms Applaud Senate Passage of Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act
Kristin's picture
Valerie Young is Your (Wo)man in Washington blogger Why does MOTHERS, an organization that promotes the societal value of caregiving and protects the economic security of caregivers, concern itself so with issues arising from women in the paid labor force?
Valerie Young's picture
We're so close to passing the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act that we're already cooling the champagne. But (and this is a pretty big "but") there are some potentially big glitches that could happen today on the Senate floor and we need your help to stop them.
Katie Bethell's picture
Will you have to care for a sick loved one someday? Will your employer let you? Until recently, many of us twentysomethings were quite certain that we were invincible. Perhaps the only ones who now definitively know better are those fallen young analysts among us. Alas, in these tough economic times, some of us have succumb— gracefully, no doubt— to that catchy “last one hired, first one fired” refrain. Well, at least you still have your dashing good looks and your health, eh? But what about your parents? I’ve recently begun thinking about mine.
I’m heading to LA this week, a day after the new president will be inaugurated. These are exciting times for women, mothers, children, families and citizens. Even though parties (Big Washington Inaugural Parties) policies, presidents and politics will come and go, hopefully one thing will never change – Our freedom to express ourselves.
Joy Rose's picture
SB 1, authored by Senate President Steinberg and Senate Health Committee chair Alquist (with principal co-authors, Assemblymen Jones and Chesbro), would ensure all California children have health coverage. The bill will be heard in the Senate Health Committee on Wednesday, January 28th.
Great news! Thanks to your incredible advocacy, the U.S. House of Representatives voted this week to expand children's health coverage through a strong re-authorization of the State Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP). The Senate is expected to vote on the bill next week. Congress is on the right track by demonstrating that kids are a top priority.
Ashley Boyd's picture
So, we may sometimes fail in getting our children to eat vegetables, but boy, are we succeeding in changing public policy!
Donna's picture
