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We're doing it!!! Last Friday the U.S. House passed fair pay legislation. This is in no small part due to your efforts, including over 100,000 contacts to Congress by MomsRising members in the past months supporting this legislation.
Kristin's picture
Center for Law and Social Policy (CLASP) As a parent, you probably have lots of experience dividing things among more than one child. You might give each child the same number of cookies for dessert. Or you might buy a new jacket for the child who has outgrown hers, but not for her brother whose jacket still fits. But you probably wouldn’t buy new shoes for everyone except the one whose only pair is a size too small.
Elizabeth Lower-Basch's picture
Dear member, Well, it's official, the recession has hit our kids. An estimated 1.2 million children have lost employer-sponsored health insurance in the past year alone.[1] It's clear that Lehman Brothers aren't the only brothers that need a bail out.
Donna's picture
Envisioning and embracing culture change that enables parents to excel at home and at work is a core goal for MomsRising. Win-win solutions are more accessible than most of us realize. This weekend the New York Times highlighted such an opportunity that far too few businesses are taking advantage of:
joan's picture
How cool would it be for fair pay to be one of the first things that that President-Elect Obama signs into law? It could actually happen!
Katie Bethell's picture
Health education is required at my children’s schools. Personal, physical, sexual, and even environmental health is all part of the curriculum. But what about financial health? While some high schools offer elective courses in investments and banking, most do not. The assumption is that kids will learn about money along the way and that their parents will guide them.
Wait a minute! Hold the Fa La Las, stop the dreidel spinning, and halt the snowball fights because there is one thing we need you to do before you start the holiday merriment. Right now, yes today, Congress is putting together an economic recovery package and we need you to take a brief moment to tell them not to forget about the economic security needs of families (that's us!).
Kristin's picture
The e-Exchange "A Dialog Among Organizations Working to Build a Family-Friendly America" What is the e-Exchange? The e-Exchange distribution list brings together some of the nation's strongest women's organizations, family advocacy groups, mothers' organizations, child...
Anita's picture
Congratulations! Last week California members sent over 3,600 letters to Governor Schwarzenegger and our legislators in Sacramento to oppose a proposed wait-list for kids' healthcare coverage. Our voices were heard!
Like many parents, when I saw the huge front page articles in USA Today about the possible health risks related to toxics in the air around schools across the country, I immediately used the online search tool in the article to check out how my daughter's school ranked. The result? Not so good.
Mary O's picture
