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Last night tens of thousands of people--including many MomsRising members--gathered at rallies around the nation to protest President Bush’s veto of federal funding for SCHIP, a program providing health insurance for children in need. We're making a difference together! Now that the rallies are done, we need you to to email a letter to your Congressperson urging them to override President Bush's veto.
Kristin's picture
Join a local rally near you to protest the president's veto! Click here to find a rally near you. *Yesterday morning the president vetoed a bill to provide funding for the State Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP). As a result, 6.6 million children could lose health care coverage beginning November 16 and millions more who need health care coverage won't get it at all. With his veto, the president ignored bi-partisan support in congress and the overwhelming support of the American people. It's time to stand up (literally!) against this outrageous decision and call for Congress to overturn the president's veto.
Kristin's picture
If you’ve had a kid in high school, you know this. If you have a little one, you’ll know it soon enough. It’s the lunchtime ritual. When that noon bell rings, the teenagers come barreling out of their classrooms, divide up, and head to their group’s designated spot to eat lunch. Well, maybe they actually eat something, but mostly they just hang out together. When they look back on their high school days, it’ll probably be these lunch spots and the memories formed there that they remember most.
Mary O's picture
Have you ever been denied a job or a promotion because you are a mom? A new study shows that mothers are 79% less likey to be hired than others with equal resumes. Share your story so we can build understanding about why this is so damaging to families and must be stopped. Share your experiences here: If you're on the homepage, then just click the blog title above, or click on the "Read full post" link below to get to the blog page for sharing.
Kristin's picture
We have launched new blog that is crossposted at The It is about consciousness raising and culture change. Very few Americans realize that there is deep bias against mothers in this country and that we are undermining family's ability to care for children. I began to understand this a few years ago when I learned that equal pay for equal work is just as big a problem today as it was 40 years ago. I was shocked! Women without children now earn 90 cents to a man's dollar, mothers earn 73 cents, and single mothers earn about 60 cents to a man's dollar. A study done last year revealed that a mother is 79 percent less likely to be offered a job when all other factors -- including resumes, education, and job experience -- are equal. Ever wonder why there are so many women and children in poverty? Every wonder why there are so few women in leadership? Since over 80 percent of women become mothers I would say that women have a long way to go before they have equal opportunity in this country. Kristin Rowe-Finkbeiner and I wrote The Motherhood Manifesto and launched in 2006 and in 2007 with policy and culture change in mind.
joan's picture
Would you be willing to give up your Decaf LowFat Caramel Macchiato with Extra Foam for a week?
PunditMom's picture
Doctors agree that breastmilk is best for infants, but their own licensing board isn't following doctor's orders. Sophie Currier recently learned that when it comes to supporting breastfeeding, many of our leaders--whether they are in the medical establishment (as in Sophie's case), business sector, or elsewhere--still don't "walk the talk." You see, Sophie was denied breast pumping breaks during her nine hour medical licensing exam. She's not alone. Even in this day and age when the medical evidence is clear that breastfeeding is best for infants, women are regularly denied the time and location to pump.
Anita's picture
SHARE YOUR STORY HERE (and read others): Have you juggled breastfeeding and work? How did it go? Share your stories from the frontline of motherhood here! (And, while you're at it you can sign the Statement of Support for Breastfeeding Mothers now by clicking here.) *How to share your experiences: If you're on the homepage, then just click the blog title above, or click on the "Read full post" link below to get to the blog page for sharing.
Kristin's picture
Today on All Things Considered, NPR featured a moving piece about the two sides of Hurricane Katrina evacuees relocating in Houston. Some of the 90,000 people who have resettled in Houston are doing well; two years later, others have still not found security. Mothers in particular seem to be suffering. Lorenthia Richardson is a former nursing students and store manager who is sharing an apartment with three female relatives and their 14 children. NPR reporter Wade Goodwyn's summary of Richardson's situation caught my eye: "Richardson knows how to dress and act for the professional world. That's not her problem. Her problem is that she is a black, single mother from New Orleans. For two full years, Richardson has been unable to land a job, despite more than 50 separate attempts."
MomsRising members are petitioning California leaders to pass AB 706 in order to ban toxic flame retardants in furniture. Sign the no toxic couches petition now by clicking here! With all the recent press about toxic lead paint on our children's toys, and the lack of press about toxic flame retardants in our furniture, I'm becoming convinced that our government has utterly lost the ability to protect us, and our children, from dangerous products. In fact, in California the government is responsible for requiring toxic flame retardants in my furniture! (Your furniture too, this is a national issue, CA is such a big market that most furniture makers produce products so they can sell in CA and don't do anything different for the rest of the states.)
joan's picture
