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A recent article in L.A. Parent Magazine ( ) asked, Is Motherhood Depressing? The article’s title was meant to be provocative – questioning whether the mere act of being a mother – supposedly the world’s most rewarding (and yes, the real oldest) profession, could emotionally debilitate even the most well-balanced woman. In reality, the story was about the difficulties of parenting while dealing with a psychological disorder, profiling one woman’s struggle with clinical depression. It cited a study which suggests that a growing number of women and men are finding that child rearing has sent them into a Prozac dependency, needing daily medication to survive from school drop-off to bedtime and every dirty diaper-, temper tantrum- and homework-induced meltdown in between. My personal belief is whatever it takes to get through the day without blood being shed is, to quote my favorite ex-con Martha Stewart, “a good thing.” My husband recently received very sad news which brought the message home. He learned an acquaintance from college who was married, had kids and was depressed, killed herself and her children while her husband was away serving in Iraq. All this got me thinking about the many parents I know who are not saddled with lifetime depression issues or even survivors of postpartum depression, but who still wonder aloud and often, why they feel their lives as parents have left them so frustrated, sad and often angry. Is motherhood depressing? Maybe it is, yes, but for reasons that we can change.
Dawn's picture
The "Power of ONEsie" campaign is off to a great start—in less than a week, hundreds of MomsRising members have already decorated and sent, or specially purchased online, baby onesies for us to display in Washington State this Thursday in support of paid family leave. Thank you. Let's keep the chain growing! We're building this ONEsie chain to represent the real moms, dads, kids, aunts, uncles, and grandparents who support building a truly family-friendly America, but can't be at state capitals and other events around the nation in person because they are working, caring for family, or going to school. With your help, we're spreading the word and adding to the ONEsie project. As it grows, it will be displayed to put family issues on center stage from Washington State to Washington D.C. We've only just begun...
joan's picture
Breaking news: A Family Leave Insurance bill just passed the Washington State Senate, and now is moving to the State House. MomsRising members in WA are calling their 2 State Representatives and posting what they learn about how their elected officials plan to vote here. The more YES votes we count, the more MOMentum we'll generate to pass this bill. *Ready to post what you've heard in Washington? Just click the blog title above, or click on the "Read full post" link below. Then scroll down to the end of web page--through all of the comments/blog text--to the "Post a Comment" section. Fill in the blanks with your text. Then when you are finished don't forget to click the "Post Comment" button at the very bottom of the page.
Kristin's picture
Baby shirts with hand painted messages to support paid family leave in New York.
Imagine a beautifully presented long chain of decorated baby onesies stretching all around your state capital as a visual representation of the real people who need the policies being debated inside the imposing buildings. Each onesie signifies one person--mother, father, child, grandmother,...
Katie Bethell's picture
Today's New York Times features an important article: "Stop the Presses, Boys! Women claim space on Op-Ed Pages" profiles Catherine Orenstein, a writer and activist who teaches women the techniques of editorial opinion-piece writing. Orenstein says of editorial writing, "It's a teachable form. It's not like writing Hemingway. You show people the basics of a good argument, what constitutes good evidence, what's a news hook, what's the etiquette of a pitch." Many women are never taught these key structures and formulas, yet we need to learn them if our voices are to to be included in media coverage of all the key issues of the day. The Times feature shares enough of Orenstein's tips that you'll learn just from reading this piece.
We're listening hard! We'd love to hear your comments about what you'd like to see on the MomsRising website and in the e-alerts. *To share your ideas, just click the blog title above, or the "Read full post" link below. Then scroll down to the end of the comments/blog text to "Post a Comment."
Kristin's picture
In the last year since starting, the MomsRising membership has gone from 0 to over 120,000 people--and is growing weekly by 500 to 4,000 members lately. This membership growth is mainly due to friends telling friends about MomsRising—i.e. you. Working together, we are truly building a powerful...
Kristin's picture
MomsRising is a dynamic and growing community of mothers and allies working for significant social change. How can we enlarge this circle to bring in women who might not already consider themselves to be activists? My website is partnering with to create a new "on-ramp" for women who are just beginning to think about working for social change. Together we have created the new "Naptime Activist" Edition of the free Mojo Mom Party Kit . Getting together with friends to watch The Motherhood Manifesto documentary film is a perfect first step for women who want to learn more, do more, and join the community of people working to build a truly family-friendly America. You can read more about this partnership on my blog and hear my interview with MomsRising activists Cooper Munroe and Emily McKhann on this week's episode of The Mojo Mom Podcast.
We want to hear your stories about the sick days you receive at work--or about your lack of sick days. What's happening in your life with this important issue? Do you have enough sick days? What happens at your work when people get sick? *To share your story, just click the blog title above, or the "Read full post" link below. Then scroll down to the end of the comments/blog text to "Post a Comment."
Kristin's picture
If you have time to read just one article this week, then check out the cover story in The Nation, "The Care Crisis," by Ruth Rosen at: It's a timely, articulate argument about why, "Working mothers can't pamper their stress away--their balancing act needs a political fix." Read it, then act!
Kristin's picture
