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by Stephanie Drahan and Thao Nguyen, National Women’s Law Center September 22, 2010: You get sick. You go to the doctor. You get diagnosed. Your insurance company drops your coverage when you need it the most. You now find yourself fighting your illness and the insurance company. September 23, 2010...
Thao Nguyen's picture
On September 23, 2010, a potentially life-saving, but surprisingly overlooked change will occur for the families of America's 74 million children. That is the day when U. S. children become eligible for the first phase of benefits as our nation implements the Patient Protection and Affordable Care...
Wendy Lazarus's picture
When all those town hall meetings were held for healthcare reform, I was not only lobbying for reform as a home healthcare provider, but I didn’t even have health insurance. And I knew countless other home healthcare workers who also didn’t have health insurance. It was strange working in the...
For many women, returning to work is one of the reasons they give up breastfeeding or, even sadder, do not initiate it at all. With short maternity leave and having to go back to work to be able to put food on the table and pay the bills, the health of their babies is at risk! In March of this year...
Comprehensive health care will have enormous benefits as people will be able to access care and take control of their health at an earlier stage, before a small problem becomes a serious one, with significant costs, both social and economic. Prevention and wellness - for individuals and in our...
Some time ago, NEA was contacted by the Heifer International foundation. I laughed when I heard their name. I thought it sounded like the cow...It is the cow.
Lily Eskelsen's picture
Q: Will preventive services such as routine vaccines and mammograms be covered under health reform? A: Yes, health reform will make it easier for people to get timely preventive services that they need in order to stay healthy. If you have a private insurance plan that was purchased (by you or your...
As mothers, daughters, wives and leaders of households, women often steer the health care choices of families. Thus in the coming years, women will also be a major force toward implementing health care reform and the landmark Affordable Care Act. Whenever we enroll a child into newly available...
Dora Calott Wang's picture
When my son was born, one of the more appropriate gifts we received was C Is for Cooking , a Sesame Street cookbook intended for parents and children to use together. Way back then, it seemed impossible to imagine that this tiny infant would ever be big enough to eat real food, never mind cook ...
Debbie Koenig's picture
I am a single mother of two children. My employer provides healthcare for me and only me. My son is provided insurance coverage by his biological father, but my daughter Karina, who is not only a a junior in high school, but an athlete, as she runs in her high school's cross country team, didn't...
Gloria Riesgo's picture
