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In 2009, the number of those officially poor is the highest ever recorded -- a total of 43.6 million according to the Census Bureau data released September 16th. That includes 3.7 million of us who became poor just in 2009, reflecting a 1.1 percent jump from 2008. These numbers may get a yawn from...
Jodie Levin-Epstein's picture
I had a chance to go to a fantastic event on September 3rd sponsored by Secretary Sebelius on the Connecting Kids to Coverage Challenge , which aims to reach the nation's 4.7 million uninsured children who already are eligible for Medicaid or CHIP. She made a compelling pitch that nothing is more...
By Jocelyn Guyer, Georgetown University Center for Children and Families ( ) A record number of people are now living in poverty, including one in five children, according to U.S. Census figures ( ) released last week. More than 50 million...
Sizing Up the Sentinel Measure of How Well America Promotes the Health of Women and Children – Key Provisions of the Affordable Care Act Addressing Infant Mortality By Brent Ewig, MHS Director of Public Policy & Government Affairs, Association of Maternal & Child Health Programs Infant...
SAN JUAN -- Barack Obama's healthcare reform will benefit Puerto Rico with $6.6 billion more than the $4.8 expected for Medicaid between 2011 and 2019. After the healthcare bill passed on March 21, Puerto Rico began to look at the next decade which will be crucial for the Island to step up to the...
And we’re off! Implementation of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) is officially underway! Less than six months after Congress passed the ACA, California has blazed the trail as the first state in the nation to create a statewide Health Insurance Exchange under the Act. Two complementary pieces of...
Kristen Golden Testa's picture
The health care bill passed six months ago. Many people are still angry. Some are making threats. Others fear this new law will take away their freedom instead of improving the quality of their lives. Anger, threats, fear…I understand those feelings and share them, but in a very different way. I am...
Dawn's picture
Honestly, health reform feels so last year. The effort to pass reform was epic, with so many near-death and nail-bitter moments, my political junky self was so ready to move on. A year ago, the town hall protests about health reform were all I could think about but today, I’m thinking more about...
Ashley Boyd's picture
As we mark the six-month anniversary of the passage of health reform, families have much to celebrate today as several key provisions of the new Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act go into effect for children. While there are a wide array of opinions on both sides of the aisle on the new law...
September 23 is the day that an important part of the new health care law- a provision that allows young adults to stay on their parent's insurance until age 2- becomes law. It's the day that many young Americans will gain the security and peace of mind that comes with knowing you can get covered...
Aaron Smith's picture
