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**Scroll down to the comments section to see the conversation from our 9/2/2010 evening blog chat. And of course, you can still join the conversation by asking questions and typing your comments in the comment box. Hit "Submit Comment" and join our Q&A!** Have you been there? Frustrated that it...
joan's picture
I got used to pulling out my wallet for my school kids. The same shopping trip for the shot glasses, my own little boy asked if he could have something-or-another. I remember telling him, “Sweetie, we can’t afford that.”
Lily Eskelsen's picture
To: Everyone in the San Francisco Area Here's a huge and unprecedented opportunity to take action to stop the toxic assault that threatens our communities and our children. Here's a huge and unprecedented opportunity to take action to stop the toxic assault that threatens our communities and our...
Women are more involved with day-to-day household finances than ever before but most are still not planning for retirement and other major life goals. This is the finding of a recently published Prudential Financial’s 10th anniversary study on the “Financial Experience & Behaviors Among Women...
It's Women's Equality Day , the date marked to celebrate women getting the right to vote in our nation 90 years ago today. It's both hard (and easy in some sad ways) to believe that it was just 90 years ago that women got the right to vote in our nation. Reflecting on this, I called my grandmother...
Kristin's picture
Today marks Women’s Equality Day , the commemoration of women’s suffrage achieved in 1920. What better time to take stock of what’s left to do? We need a national conversation led by the White House to explore how women decision-makers can help achieve better economic performance and a more...
Linda Tarr-Whelan's picture
Council Speaker Quinn’s measured approach to paid sick days is wearing thin to the point of transparency, and it may well cost her politically. By holding up a vote until opponents of the bill can produce a piece of unsound research, Quinn is showing too much concern for the sentiments of a...
Councilwoman Gale Brewer introduced a groundbreaking bill last year intended to provide mandatory paid sick leave to New York City workers. In response to concerns put forth by the business community, a newly revised version of the bill was introduced on March 25, 2010. The new 2010 version of the...
A crowded rally was held Tuesday on the steps of City Hall in support of a paid sick leave bill currently pending before the City Council . The pending legislation was introduced in August by Councilwoman, Gale Brewer. The rally, scheduled to begin at 12 noon, drew such a crowd that by 12:15...
There are many areas of life in this country where it appears that we live in two worlds. And that’s no different when we consider paid sick days. In the first world, if you’re sick, you stay home from work, take care of yourself, and have the time to get better. In the second world, if you’re sick...
Linda Meric's picture
