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Take Action!
[IMAGE DESCRIPTION: A graphic image with a blue hand dropping a ballot into a red box with stars along the bottom.]
Imagine this...It’s late on November 3, 2020. You are glued to the TV watching the election results come in and the candidates for President are neck and neck. Suddenly, there is a news flash – reports are coming in that a foreign country has hacked our elections and no one can verify the results...
Donna's picture
Will our nation ever decide to prioritize children’s lives over guns? Once again the headlines this week were all too familiar: “‘Nothing short of horrific’: Three killed, including two children, in shooting at California food festival.” “Gilroy joins grim fraternity of communities terrorized by...
Marian Wright Edelman's picture
[IMAGE DESCRIPTION: A photograph of a stack of newspapers.]
Now more than ever—reproductive rights are under attack across the country. There have been 400 needless abortion restrictions enacted since 2011 across the country, which is why Congress must act to stop these dangerous attacks. Currently, a bill in Congress called the Women’s Health Protection...
Felicia Burnett's picture
Before baby, you were a Facebooking, Instagramming, texting fool, sharing everything from your perfect pasta dish to your hella-good manicure. Now, looking at your little bundle of joy, you may be wondering: What's OK to share, and what's TMI? What are the easiest tech tools for preserving those...
Caroline Knorr's picture
6 years, 3 months, 1 week and 28 days - the length of time I breastfed my four boys! From an efficient nurser to the NICU and pumping every two hours to the baby who I never kept track of how often and for how long he nursed; I am proud of every second of that 6 years, 3 months, 1 week and 28 days...
Tina Sherman's picture
Have you been looking for mor4e MomsRising in your life? We’ve got another diverse panel of guests for a brand new episode of our Risers Radio show Breaking Through this week. We cover how the power of our stories can change the nation and we address why telling someone to “go back” is so racist...
Amber Dorsey's picture
Through a new initiative, El Paso county is actively working to improve food retail infrastructure and bring grocery stores, community markets and mobile food stands to areas of the county with high poverty, few living wage jobs and lack of healthy and affordable food.
Stephanie Vaughn's picture
[IMAGE DESCRIPTION: A graphic image with a blue background and text that reads MOM-entum.]
July has been HOT, and not just because of the temperature! MomsRising supporters have been celebrating our wins all month long, including major wins protecting immigrant families’ rights; gaining Congressional support for better wages; and amplifying women’s and mothers’ voices in presidential...
Anita's picture
Moms were in the room where it happened last month during the first 2020 Democratic Debate. This is crucial because as moms, we know what’s happening in our families, our lives, and our communities. We know we’re not alone. We know the truth about dealing with our healthcare system, about the cost...
Kristin's picture
Private for-profit prisons are a key component of President Trump’s plan to incarcerate immigrant children and families, and are also part of the system of mass incarceration that has particularly devastated communities of color.
Nadia's picture
