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Nearly 30,000 NC children are on the waiting list for child care subsidies.
Few families can afford the high cost of child care. And that’s no surprise. In North Carolina, the average cost of infant care is $9,225 annually per child – greater than the cost of in-state college tuition! A working parent who can’t access child care subsidy assistance will spend more than 1/3...
BethM's picture
It's go time in Olympia
This is important so I'm going to be quick: We are down to the wire in the legislative session, fighting for the Working Families Tax Credit and investments in early learning -- but we need a capital gains tax to help fund both! There are just days left in the legislative session! Click here to...
Maggie Humphreys's picture
4/20 Day -- the celebration of marijuana that occurs every year on April 20 -- gets more popular every year. And while you probably haven't heard too much about it, your kids likely have. That's because 4/20 awareness spreads mostly on the sites and apps that attract tweens and teens, such as...
Caroline Knorr's picture
[IMAGE DESCRIPTION: A colorful graphic that says "Weekly Blog Round Up" on a pink background]
We are powerful! Don't miss some great wins and stories from this last week at MomsRising. We celebrate Black Maternal Health Week, publishing and delivering our own Medicaid stories, and standing up for working families' tax credits!
Anita's picture
As midwife Jennie Joseph writes, “mothers can suffer and experience the effects of being in a living, breathing, materno-toxic zone all of their own, based on other people’s response or reaction to their race, socio-economic status, citizenship or by being “othered” while pregnant, delivering their baby or in the postpartum year, regardless of location.”
Anayah Sangodele-Ayoka's picture
Red Alert!
It's coming down to the wire for the Working Families Tax Credit and the Washington State Legislature needs to hear from you. With just two weeks left, time is running out to keep the Working Families Tax Credit part of the conversation in budget negotiations. Click here to send a quick email to...
Maggie Humphreys's picture
We are living through trying times as a nation when many are longing for justice. Sometimes it seems, in the words of poet James Russell Lowell, we are watching “Truth forever on the scaffold, Wrong forever on the throne.” But hope comes every day from the groundswell of people still refusing to...
Marian Wright Edelman's picture
Today is Tax Day! Feeling less than inspired by this? That’s because the billionaires and big corporations, not people like you and me, are reaping the benefits of the Trump Tax Scam. That’s why we need to use the media moment of Tax Day to send more letters to the editor this week in your local...
Elyssa Schmier's picture
This week on our #RisersRadio show we have another amazing panel like, the ACLU's Manar Waheed, with whom we cover how to BAN the bans and ways to work for fair treatment of all immigrant families. We get the inside scoop on how taxes can be used for good (and bad) with Amy Matsui and hear from...
Amber Dorsey's picture
