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News You Can Use!
We’re writing with a BIG announcement for the New Year: Washington State is expecting...Paid Family and Medical Leave! You might qualify for up to 16 weeks of paid time off from work beginning in 2020! And you can help your friends, family, and neighbors benefit too. Check out MomsRising’s BRAND...
Casey Osborn-Hinman's picture
News You Can Use!
In 2020, Washington workers will be eligible for up to 16 weeks of paid family and medical leave. To learn more about the program, visit here . As we get clarifying questions from members, we will occassionally post answers to the blog in addition to responding in the comments. Below is a question...
Maggie Humphreys's picture
Take Action!
Anyone else needing an extra cup of coffee, and feeling a bit sluggish as we head back to work today? The back to work + school + childcare grind is a struggle working families in California know all too well. Whether it’s finding access to high-quality preschool, or finding a childcare slot for a...
Donna Hoffman Cullinan's picture
MATERNAL JUSTICE Kira Johnson, pictured above with her husband and son, needlessly lost her life to medical neglect after childbirth. After years of advocacy — powered by YOUR generosity — the MomsRising community and partners finally got Congress to treat maternal mortality as the national...
Anita's picture
[IMAGE DESCRIPTION: A person smiles brightly at the camera, with shoulder length hair parted to the side, wearing a sleeveless shirt.]
Patrisse Cullors is a Senior Fellow for Maternal Justice at MomsRising and co-founder of Black Lives Matter. A project she leads, the “C-section Chronicles,” seeks to reduce the stigma that comes with having a c-section and give voice to the many mothers who continue to be vulnerable in hospitals...
Patrisse Cullors's picture
No one wants a child to go hungry, but in the world’s wealthiest nation, hunger is a very real problem in the lives of students living in poverty. As a public school educator working with some of New Orlean’s most impoverished students, I get a pit in my stomach every time a student nudges me to...
Qiana Torregano's picture
I will not stand by and watch my family’s health coverage be stripped away. Earlier this month, a federal judge in Texas ruled the Affordable Care Act (ACA) unconstitutional. While the fight is not over, this is a clear and immediate threat to my family, and to the millions of people like us who...
Felicia Burnett's picture
Happy Friday! This time of year we pause to spend time with friends and family, and all of those who make our days and year merry and bright. We wish you all of the happiness of the season. Before you get too wrapped up in that snuggly blanket, or bundled up to head out in the snow, please take a...
Karen Showalter's picture
We Are MomsRising!
In today’s installment of We Are MomsRising, we talked to Jamie in Washington about how being able to access a childcare subsidy helped her and her two daughters. Read her story below. To learn more about the We Are MomsRising campaign, check out this blog post . For me, my childcare story, started...
Abbie Gately's picture
Have you heard the good news? Because of your actions, we achieved a big WIN for maternal health! This week Congress passed the Preventing Maternal Deaths Act, and right before the holidays, it was signed into law by the President. This is an incredible, powerful and groundbreaking win for pregnant...
Nadia's picture
