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First - You’re a rock star! Below you will find a treasure trove of information to make attending a town hall to advocate for healthcare the best it can be. Remember, if you can’t find a town hall near you, you can always swing by your members’ of Congress office near where you live to share your...
Felicia Burnett's picture
Being a new mom in a military family presents particular challenges. The military needs to address these situations head on with more family-friendly policies like stronger and consistent paid leave policies.
Amy Smolinski's picture
In 2005 I moved into a dorm room in California while I was a full-time graduate student. Unbeknownst to me the building had a mold and mildew problem and I had a horrible allergic reaction to it. It started with symptoms similar to getting a cold. But before long my lungs were producing mucous and...
Ann-Mary MacLeod's picture
Wow. We’ve gotten A LOT of good feedback that our new program of #5Actions a week coming to you on Mondays is helpful. THANK YOU! Here are the #5Actions for this week with an important note: You are making a difference! We’ve seen President Trump and many in Congress walk back threats to...
Kristin's picture
Before we get too far into the New Year, I wanted to take a moment to thank our MomsRising supporters for powering incredible MOMentum in 2016. Looking back, it wasn’t that long ago that women’s and family economic security -- from paid family leave to equal pay – were barely part of the political...
Kristin's picture
I was 20 weeks pregnant when my husband and I learned our firstborn would be born missing the entirety of her right leg as well as her left forearm. We had many questions, but we never questioned whether our health insurance would deny her before she was even born; we never questioned whether our...
Jessica McRackan's picture
Wow – it has been a big week. Families in Washington state and across the country are still reeling from the harmful directives coming from the new administration. Now, more than ever, Washingtonians are counting on the power of state and local advocacy to move the dial for children and families...
Maggie Humphreys's picture
If you are reeling from the series of Executive Orders and Memoranda issued by President Trump in his first two weeks in office, and horrified by what clearly seems to be an unconstitutional, un-American and unjust ban on Muslims from seven countries that has caused outrage at home and abroad, keep reading.
Marian Wright Edelman's picture
I am one of countless moms in our country who can say that Medicaid literally saved my child's life. When my son, Ethan, was born in 2006, he needed to start chemotherapy at six weeks old to treat a life-threatening tumor. He needed round-the-clock care, so I had to quit work to care for him, which...
Felicia Burnett's picture
I am a 4th generation daughter of Arizona, pushed to speak out to my community about the future of our Healthcare situation. Representative McSally stunned me, saying (paraphrasing) it will take years and years for the Republicans to figure out health care. This is NOT acceptable! Health care is...
Lesley Lillywhite's picture
