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There are two names for H.R. 1599 : The Safe and Accurate Food Labeling Act of 2015 and the Deny Americans the Right to Know (DARK) Act. There’s no doubt in my mind which is the more accurate. The proposed law would do nothing to make our food safer and would prevent families from getting more...
Anya Vanecek's picture
The new 2015 KIDS COUNT Data Book from the Annie E Casey Foundation assesses child well-being in the states. See how your state ranks.
Lecia Imbery's picture
"There is no such thing as a single-issue struggle because we do not live single-issue lives." -- Audre Lorde Great ‪#‎radio‬ conversation this week that covered multiple overlapping issues from making sure everyone gets the overtime pay they deserve to raising the minimum wage; from ‪#‎...
Kristin's picture
Take Action!
Sandra Bland shouldn’t be dead. No mother should have to fear a loved one is harmed at the hands of those charged with protection. The pattern of racial profiling and police brutality in our nation must end. * Join us in calling for Attorney General Lynch to investigate the death of Sandra Bland...
Kristin's picture
My daughter has feared police for a long time. Every time a cop would drive past or pull alongside us at a stop light she would get panicky. I would shake my head and dismissively ask her what was wrong. Her response was always that the police scared her; mine was that she was doing nothing wrong...
Kelli King-Jackson's picture
Hawaii’s Representative Beth Fukumoto was elected to the Hawaii State House at the age of twenty-nine in 2012, and was immediately selected by her Republican colleagues to be House Minority Floor Leader. In 2013, she was listed as one of "Nine Women Remaking the Right” by the Daily Beast . In 2014...
Shay Chan Hodges's picture
On June 16th, Donald Trump said the following hurtful, harmful, and completely inaccurate statement: “When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best…they’re sending people that have lots of problems…they’re bringing drugs, they’re bringing crime. They’re rapists…” [1] Trump couldn’t...
Xochitl Oseguera's picture
We want better for our children than we had for ourselves. I want my daughter to grow up seeing female thought leaders as part of the dialogue, so that she knows to aspire. We need her generation to be seeing women in the public sphere — as lawmakers, professors, scientists, and writers — so that they know the possibilities. Let’s make sure that women are an equal part of leading this country if only to make it obvious to little girls that they can lead, too.
GenderAvenger's picture
Author's Note: Although this chat ended you can click to read the July 24, 2015 #FoodFri STORIFY - a curated list of said chat's tweets compiled into a story format, to learn more about the topic, review chat resources and engage with chat panelist(s) and participants. Please join @ MomsRising , @...
Migdalia Rivera's picture
Dear other Moms who want to know what we are feeding our children, ourselves and our families: I am reaching out as a member of to encourage everyone to pick up the phone NOW to help stop this horrible pre-emptive measure that prohibits the democratic process and would make it...
Lora O'Connor's picture
