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Let’s see: Shop for school supplies…check. Make sure immunizations are up-to-date…check. Sign up for sports and music lessons…check. Talk about sexual abuse prevention…wait. What? I feel like such a grownup when I say it, but the summer has really flown by. We’re starting to make sure all the books...
Allison Wedell Schumacher's picture
Take Action!
Millions of moms are working overtime but not getting paid because of a glitch in our country's overtime rules. Here are four stories from moms who would be given a boost if we change these overtime rules!
Elyssa Schmier's picture
Greetings! Check out the latest on sugar and salt, as well as a great shot of some future leaders in the food justice movement, below! Got some great content you'd like to feature in a future Good Food Force update? Please email As always, the conversation continues online...
Karen Showalter's picture
Author's Note: Although this chat ended you can click to read the August 7, 2015 #FoodFri STORIFY - a curated list of said chat's tweets compiled into a story format, to learn more about the topic, review chat resources and engage with chat panelist(s) and participants . Please join @MomsRising and...
Migdalia Rivera's picture
It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men. – Frederick Douglass “If I tell you a smile could save a life, would you believe me? A smile can save a life. There was a gentleman, a young gentleman … named Kevin. Kevin was one of those children who did well in school and had great...
Marian Wright Edelman's picture
One way I show my children love is through food, like when I prepare their favorite dish, or give them the last bite of dinner off my plate. I literally can’t stand it when they are hungry, and will go to ridiculous lengths to feed them. Every one of my friends who has children, or is regularly...
Gloria Pan's picture
And we are off to a great start to National Breastfeeding Month! Anayah kicked things off on the blog by chatting with us about breastfeeding and paid leave . On Wednesday, we had a very informative chat about breastfeeding and work. Here's the Storify with all of the great tweets that were shared...
Sili Recio's picture
Congress wants to cut spending on programs that help low-income children and families. These 12 reasons show why we need more investments in these programs, not less.
Lecia Imbery's picture
Standing in the shade of the United States Capitol, I scanned those who had assembled from a broad coalition: MomsRising , National Women's Law Center , NARAL Pro-Choice America , URGE: Unite for Reproductive and Gender Equality . Most were young, energetic women. Some of them mothers who came with...
Chett Pritchett's picture
Find the Clues!
“Clueless!!!” Confession: I’ve wanted to actually shout that at my TV a time or two recently while Presidential candidates were talking—and I’m not a shouter. (Not naming any names, but moments of Presidential candidate cluelessness about what’s really going on with real working families, moms,...
Kristin's picture
