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You know how easy it is to take someone for granted, especially after a long, committed relationship. Then one day, the romance is totally gone, and so is that person, leaving you mourning over the itty bitty pieces of a broken heart. You never knew how good you had it until it was gone. Don’t let...
Gloria Pan's picture
Did you ever wonder why babies are always trying to grab phones? It’s because phones have super powers. Or at least they do when you use them to call your U.S. Senators and urge them to vote YES on the Paycheck Fairness Act and to co-sponsor it too. That's right. We've heard again and again from...
Ruth Martin's picture
In 2001, my 13 year old son, Corey, was sent to what the “New York Times” called the worst juvenile prison in the country. What crime had he committed that earned him this hellish journey? He stole a $300 stereo out of a pick-up truck after he smashed out the window with a crowbar. His sentence was...
Grace Bauer's picture
Right now moms and kids are in D.C. urging Congress to protect our families by supporting comprehensive chemicals reform to keep our kids safe from toxics, and they need your help! * Can you back them up? Tell Congress to be on the lookout for moms today-- and urge them to support comprehensive...
Sarah Francis's picture
by Rachel Lincoln Sarnoff Executive Director & CEO After the CDC lowered the threshold at which a child is at risk for lead poisoning by half last week, the number of children under six who are now considered at risk jumped from 77,000 to 442,000, according to the...
By Noreen Farrell, Executive Director of Equal Rights Advocates Two stories. Two radically different endings. Maria and Angie work for different employers in different states. Both were thrilled when they became pregnant. They were confident that they could continue to perform their jobs during...
Noreen Farrell's picture
Tomorrow, moms and kids are coming together in DC to ask Congress to protect our families by supporting comprehensive chemicals reform. Right now, our outdated chemicals policy leaves us and our kids exposed to chemicals linked to cancer, birth defects, asthma, & other serious illnesses. We...
Claire Moshenberg's picture
I often times sound like a broken record to my close friends and family. Give me any political issue and I’ll show you exactly how money in politics plays a significant role in its outcome. I’ll spare you my long lecture about how the role of money in our political system degrades the health of our...
Michelle Noehren's picture
In a few hours I will be joining a cohort of my hermanas, Latina bloggers at a meeting at the White House. Some of these women I have had the honor and priviledge to know and work with for years. A few I am even working with at present on the deployment of the Latino Voice survey to make sure the...
Kety Esquivel's picture
Most of the time, we think about marriage as a personal relationship. We strive to keep the spark, resolve the inevitable conflicts peacefully, protect our “couple time” and carve out some “me time.” Much less attention is paid to the other transactions that can occur in marriage, such as raising...
Valerie Young's picture
