I Heart Clean Air
Don’t let your love for clean air suffer a similar fate. Air pollution is unlikely to leave you with a broken heart, but it could definitely leave your kids and other loved ones with weakened lungs and other ill health effects. Don't take clean air for granted — give it some love tomorrow to help make sure the Environmental Protection Agency protects it and does what it takes to keep it around.
Why today? That's when the Environmental Protection Agency is holding public hearings in Washington, DC, and Chicago for the Carbon Rule, which says new power plants have to use the latest technology to minimize carbon pollution. Hundreds of concerned citizens, including a contingent of MomsRising members like you, will be attending the hearings to testify in its favor. We need to support them and demonstrate to the EPA that moms and families are completely and utterly devoted to clean air.
Here's how to give clean air a big wet kiss:
- Change your Facebook and Twitter profile picture to the “I HEART Clean Air” graphic. It's easier than you think! Imagine thousands of clean air lovers all doing this in a huge public display of affection!
*To download the "I HEART Clean Air" image, right click on the image, or go to this page and right click to download the image: https://s3.amazonaws.com/s3.momsrising.org/images/I_Heart_Clean_Air.png
- Declare your love for clean air and support for the Carbon Rule on EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson's Facebook timeline.
* Here's an example of what you can say in your post: "Administrator Jackson -- I can't be at the Carbon Rule hearings today, but I wanted to let you know how much I love clean air for kids and carbon pollution limits for new and modified power plants!
- And add your name to our letter in support of clean air and the brand new carbon rule: http://action.momsrising.org/sign/2012-Carbon-Rule1/
Sometimes, we all need to do a little something extra for the one we love. Today is the day to romance clean air and let the EPA and everyone know:
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