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America’s elections belong to America’s voters, and no foreign government should ever play any role in determining the outcome. The transcript and whistleblower complaint released this week seem to show that President Trump abused his power in conversations with Ukraine's president. They support...
MomsRising's picture
It's been another super-charged week, and we hope you have some time to unplug this weekend. Before you do: Please take a moment to be sure you've signed these quick and urgent top actions, below. This week we're talking about protecting our elections, surprise medical bills, registering to vote,...
Karen Showalter's picture
Mother and child at food bank
Did you know September is Hunger Action Month? With millions of people in the United States needing help to put food on the table, we are calling on everyone to act against hunger. Here is an easy way to get involved: Share the signs of child hunger. Kids often feel so ashamed of not getting enough...
Lisa Sherrill's picture
Take Action!
[IMAGE DESCRIPTION: A photo of a family of three people smiling at the camera.]
2 million people and their families. 2 million. That's how many people who work for the federal government and how many will benefit if Congress passes the Federal Employee Paid Leave Act this year! And here's the good news: Congress is so so close to passing this . And, even if you’re not a...
Sara Alcid's picture
[IMAGE DESCRIPTION: A graphic image for the Voices of Hunger podcast.]
Post retirement years are optimistically dubbed the golden years. But those years are no holiday for many residents of Durham, NC. That’s why Durham City has proclaimed the week of Sept. 22-28 as Durham Senior Hunger Awareness Week. Listen in to the older adults in this week’s episode of #Voices of...
Betsy Crites's picture
In my work with MomsRising in North Carolina, I recently had the honor of meeting Chantell Felder, who, in addition to working full-time and parenting a two-year old daughter, has recently created a unique non-profit to address the specific needs of young people who have lost a sibling to gun...
Jessica Burroughs's picture
Voices for Healthy Kids
New York City has more than 26,000 restaurants. Starting next year, those with children’s menus must offer healthier drinks, like milk and water, as the default drink — thanks to the city’s new Healthy Happy Kids’ Meals Law.
Stephanie Vaughn's picture
Take Action!
[IMAGE DESCRIPTION: A photo of a stack of voting reminder postcards slipping into a brass mail slot in a door.]
Forget Wonder Woman’s lasso – it’s time to talk about YOUR super powers. You have secret super powers to help turn out the vote in Virginia’s super important November 5th election this year (every single seat in the VA State Legislature is being voted on)! Click here to activate your super powers...
Sara Alcid's picture
Concerned about hunger in our state and communities? Want to learn more and do something about it? You can! Join me at one of the upcoming Hunger Forums. Read on to learn more! The purpose of the Hunger Forums is to create an environment where we can listen and learn about food insecurity from the...
Jessica Burroughs's picture
Tell Congress: Take action to ban surprise medical bills!
For the first time ever, Congress has an opportunity to pass bipartisan legislation that will ban surprise medical bills, and would protect patients while holding down health care costs and premiums. That’s right—bipartisan legislation that would have a huge positive impact for families across the...
Felicia Burnett's picture
