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We are so thrilled that the #MomsVote telephone town hall launch last Thursday was a huge success! Parkland student leader Delaney Tarr reiterated the students' call to vote, which was a major theme of #March4OurLives. National Education Association President Lily Eskelsen Garcia talked about...
Dorie Klein's picture
Today is Equal Pay Day, which marks how far women in the United States have to work into 2018 to catch up to what men, on average, were paid in 2017 alone. This frustrating annual ritual is a reminder that our country still has a long way to go in closing the wage gap, reaching economic equality...
MomsRising's picture
Tune In!
On the RADIO show this week we cover Trump’s dangerous move to increase the detention of pregnant women; the victory of ending the practice of shackling women in prison during labor and what more needs to be done; advancing #CounselorsNotCops in New York State; and how to speak to children and...
Kristin's picture
Take Action!
GOP leaders in the U.S. Congress want to pass unnecessary, harmful, and overly restrictive work requirement in order to access SNAP, which boosts our families and economy. Sign our letter NOW telling Congress "hands off SNAP!"
Elyssa Schmier's picture
Were you able to join our incredible Town Hall meeting with Senator Elizabeth Warren on Thursday night? We couldn't be more excited to move into this next election season with some exciting plans and a firm commitment to helping parents get to the polls! Don't worry if you missed it - there's lots...
Karen Showalter's picture
President Trump’s plan to send the National Guard to the southern border is rash, misguided and dangerous for our democracy. This move will do nothing to protect our country; instead, it will inflame tensions along the border and further demonize immigrant communities, which are already suffering...
MomsRising's picture
** You can listen to a recording of this telephone townhall from April 5, 2018, right here .** *** With the student leaders’ call to VOTE, VOTE, VOTE still ringing in our ears, MomsRising is gearing up to fight to make sure as many people as possible heed that call. Through our #MomsVote program,...
Gloria Pan's picture
Some Representatives are pushing for a vote in the House next week on a balanced budget amendment, which would amend the Constitution of the United States to require Congress to balance the federal budget every year. While this might not sound like such a bad idea in theory, it would be disastrous in reality.
Lecia Imbery's picture
Check out MomsRising's Anayah Rose , certified nurse-midwife talk to correspondent Jacque Reid of Tom Joyner Radio for this "Inside Her Story" program about how midwifery can help improve maternal mortality rates for Black mothers.
Tasmiha Khan's picture
Take Action!
I have to tell you, I’m pretty fired up right now and as a fellow Michigander you should be too! Why? There is a bill moving through the Michigan State Senate right now that has the potential to take away the health care of millions of Michiganders . Medicaid is a proven program that lifts up our...
Elyssa Schmier's picture
