Dorie was a campaign associate working with the technology team at MomsRising. She graduated from Smith College with a major in Government and has been working in the field of campaign finance reform. She is passionate about empowering citizens to engage in the legislative process, having worked as a political organizer and as a volunteer for a variety of campaigns. She is thrilled to focus on gun safety reform, an issue that served as the focus of her undergraduate research.
Blog Post List

October 24, 2019
Autumn is in full swing - and as we plan for events and holidays that bring our families closer together, it's important to remember that immigrant families are still being torn apart. Immigrants are our neighbors, friends, and family members, and we must step up for them. Our October #KeepMarching meeting is Tuesday, October 29, 8 PM ET / 5PM PT, and we’ll be talking about attacks on immigrant rights, the human toll of these appalling laws and practices, and what we can do to help. RSVP now: Under the Trump Administration, detention...
Take Action

October 4, 2019
The 2020 election is more than a year away, but families across the country are telling us that they can’t wait to vote! One of the voting challenges we hear most often is that it can be hard to wait in long polling place lines with children. That’s why we couldn’t be more excited to announce the launch of our Super Voter Treasure Boxes for 2020! The treasure boxes come fully stocked with bubbles, small toys, stickers, tattoos, and all sorts of fun stuff to keep the kids occupied while parents and caregivers wait in line. These were a huge success in both 2016 and 2018. But the secret...
October 15, 2018
Young people can’t forge the future alone; we need everyone’s voice and we really need your votes. Groups like MomsRising, MarchForOurLives, and more are holding accountable all those who can vote and those we elect, so we can take real steps to end gun violence in America.
Take Action

September 11, 2018
Use the #CantWait2Vote button and take part in a wave of cultural change to get the word out about the issues that matter to you, and about the importance of voting.
Take Action

August 14, 2018
3D-printed guns are a grave threat to public safety and national security. It is madness to give everyone in the world free instructions on how to produce them. 3D-printed guns are untraceable, because they don’t have serial numbers. 3D-printed guns are undetectable, because they are made of plastic. And 3D-printed guns can be produced by anyone with access to a 3D printer and blueprints, making a mockery of background checks, concealed-carry permits, and other commonsense gun safety measures. Tell the State Department to stop free downloads of blueprints for 3D-printed guns by terminating...
Take Action

June 14, 2018
The ATF is accepting comments on the bump stock ban – we need your voice! Submit a comment now in support of the proposed bump stock reclassification and ban.
Take Action

June 4, 2018
June is National Gun Violence Awareness Month, and here at MomsRising, we are looking for AWARENESS + ACTION! Every mom, dad, grandparent and family member can make a solid, verifiable difference in the fight for gun safety in their own community. How? By doing what Janine, Scott, and Dian did. CLICK HERE to see a video of how Janine, Scott and Dian made a difference for gun safety -- and sign up to do it, too! What did these MomsRising members do? They brought gun violence awareness to an elected official in their community in the form of a blank #NoNRAMoney pledge form, and then they got...

April 11, 2018
We are so thrilled that the #MomsVote telephone town hall launch last Thursday was a huge success! Parkland student leader Delaney Tarr reiterated the students' call to vote, which was a major theme of #March4OurLives. National Education Association President Lily Eskelsen Garcia talked about engaging young people, with tips on how to register high school students. Three Point Strategies Founder Jessica Byrd talked about the importance of engaging all voters in order to elect a leadership that reflects us all. Finally, extra special guest U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren reminded us how...
March 28, 2018
Since the tragic shooting in Parkland, the national conversation on gun safety has dramatically changed. Students have taken the lead on asking for meaningful and sensible gun reform, and have elevated important and often-ignored discussions about gun violence in communities of color across America. Their leadership has given Americans real hope for a safer future, one with less gun violence and more ethical government. MomsRising members, like so many Americans, have stepped up to the students' call for action: they are have showed up to student-organized school walkouts, marched in...
Get On The Map!

March 15, 2018
People from all over the country (and world!) have shown overwhelming support for the student leaders of the gun safety movement. See some of the powerful messages of support below, then add your name to our map and our message: "I'm with the students!"

October 26, 2017
“I hope my kids are okay.” This is the last thought that Angela Peters (1) , mother of two, had before she lost consciousness. Her husband had just shot her. In 2014, Peters’ husband, who had been diagnosed with bipolar disorder, forced Peters to chain herself to a pipe in their basement. When she tried to escape, he shot her once in the chest and then four more times in the head after she had passed out. He then sent their kids to the neighbors before getting in his car to shoot one of Peters’ friends, before finally turning himself in to the authorities. Angela miraculously survived the...