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Looking for a healthy treat? Don't be deceived by claims of "fruit" in your snacks! Fruit snacks are everywhere: supermarkets, convenience stores, lunch boxes, cafeterias, vending machines... But the truth is these brightly colored processed foods tend to be all snack and no fruit. Join #FoodFri at...
Migdalia Rivera's picture
More than 100 years ago, after Upton Sinclair worked undercover in Chicago meatpacking plants, he revealed the abuse and exploitation of immigrant workers in the industry—including the tragic story of a worker who fell into a rendering tank. Public reaction to his great book, “ The Jungle ,” forced...
Liz Shuler's picture
The new Congress is only a few weeks old but already some Senators and Representatives are threatening to make major changes to Medicaid, which would effect millions of families. We need moms to take action! Your letters will help us keep Medicaid funding off the chopping block before any momentum for negative change gets underway in Congress.
Elyssa Schmier's picture
As a doctor, my greatest fear is to be unable to help a patient when they need me the most. Likewise, I think the greatest fear of every parent is to see his or her child in pain and be powerless to help. For too many doctors and parents, these fears are becoming increasingly real with the rising...
Beth Bell's picture
A Battle is Brewing Over EPA's Proposed Smog Standards
Lisa Garcia's picture
Dumped touches a nerve from page one. It touches on a subject that all women know too well yet is too complicated and painful to articulate: the mourning, and sometimes redemption, that comes from being dumped – or in Facebook-speak, “unfriended” -- by a sister-like friend. The anthology is very...
Elisa Batista's picture
True story: I once set up a coffee between two friends that testified against each other in the heated marriage equality debate in New Hampshire. Also true: while they ended up friends, initially, I encountered a barrier increasingly common in American politics. The public is so divided...
Elisa Batista's picture
The voters and the President are all on board about raising the wage. Now we need YOU to convince Congress!!
Elyssa Schmier's picture
So what does a soda in a kid's meal have to do with faith? Thanks to the powerful advocacy of MomsRising, Wendy's announced last week that soda would no longer be an option in the meals that it markets to children. This is good because sweetened drinks (like soda) are the largest source of added...
Joshua DuBois's picture
Weekly I prepare real food meals for my family at least 6 nights of the week. I try to keep our weekly grocery bill at $150 which is very doable when following these tips. REAL FOOD Money Saving Tips Menu Plan – when making a menu plan you are not going into the grocery store and just picking up...
